Author –

Edward Robinson
Articles by this Author
We live in a day marked by change in so many things that little seems to be stable or to remain steadfast. Although it is not new to make the observation, all would seem to portend the near return of …
There is a tendency on the part of some to regard church doctrine as academic in character and therefore of little practical bearing. This is not the case, as Paul clearly shows, “that thou mayest kno…
The Head of all creation, Who once this earth has trod, Head over every nation, As Man; in essence God. Here, though from men’s sight hidden,His Glory always shone, Light shines in Him, unbidden, The…
Too often in the assemblies of God’s people there are the separate activities of the younger and of the older mem-bers. Sometimes the young people have their own prayer meeting, where-as perhaps few a…
There are in the scriptures many forms of service enjoined upon believers, so fitted by the Holy Spirit, diligently to be engaged in, each having a gift from Him. The apostle Paul, would encourage the…
An understanding of the Epistle to the Romans is fundamental to every Christian. In it the doctrine and the terms of the Gospel are clearly and unmistake-ably set out. Here too are the germs of the te…
It is recorded, “But Samuel minis-tered before the Lord, being a child, girded with a linen ephod. Moreover his mother made him a little coat, and brought it to him from year to year … And the child S…
COLOSSIANS 3. II Addressing Cornelius, a Gentile, and mentioning the Name Jesus Christ, Peter adds by way of a parenthesis, “he is Lord of all”, Acts 10. 36.That He is Lord of all men will be publicly…
No doubt the apostle waited long upon the Holy Spirit before writing this crucial verse, 1 Cor. 2. 2. It is one of the most comprehensive in the whole of scripture, ‘For I determined not to know any t…
If there were ant intention to rivet the attention of the reader on an outstanding verse of Scripture (amongst the many which are beyond the capability of the human mind fully to take in) John 1.1 wou…
It will be obvious that only the fringe of so great a subject can be touched upon in the space of a short article. The great variety of the services of the Holy Spirit is very evident in the New Testa…
These words remind us of the Lord Jesus Himself, and are typical of His own ministry. They are simple, easily under-standable even to a child, yet with a depth too profound either to be fully apprehen…
In considering our Christian status (i.e., our standing before God) and our state (which varies in degree), it is important that we do not confuse the two. The first is, of course, objective truth; th…
The first, and indeed one of the most essential blessings, is that of the forgiveness of sins. The glory and primary importance of this tends to be somewhat dimmed in our minds with the passage of tim…
The two titles by which the church is designated in the Book of Revelation, the Bride and the Lamb’s Wife, are brought together in 21. 9, and are suggestive of two aspects of the Church differing some…
The New Testament does not provide many details of the eternal conditions that will obtain when the present church dispensation on earth is ended. The study of prophecy in itself, concerned with the e…
There is a verse in the Proverbs which reads, “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter”, 25. 2. In general, this is a feature of the Old Testament,…
Of the many titles of Christ there is perhaps none so calculated to move the affections of the saints as this which carries so many implications. Rather remarkably, it is one which Paul in his writing…
The Corinthian Epistles are intended to regulate local church doctrine and practice. In spite of their corrective character, occasioned by the carnality of the Corinthian saints, Paul addresses them i…
There are certain expressions in the Scriptures which, by reason of familiarity, often lose much of their impact. Take for instance the oft-repreated expression “Jesus Christ our Lord”, Rom. 6. 11, 23…
What an attractive title is that of “The Man of God”. It is surely one which we should all desire to acquire, yet it is one which has to be earned and for which one would need to qualify. The title is…
During the life on earth of the Lord Jesus, we read of those who came under His personal ministration. Many were sick in body; there were those raised from the dead; some were sorrowing, as the two go…
Both Enoch and Noah, we are told, walked with God. This does not refer merely to some specific occasion, but to that which characterized their daily pathway down here. Each of them lived in an evil da…
Book Reviews by this Author
Obtainable from the author, 3 Orchard Close, Exmouth, Devon. Price £2 (including postage). This is a small book of poems, spiritual in tone, reminiscent of J. N. Darby’s “Spiritual Songs”. The conte…

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