Author –

E. L. Lovering
Articles by this Author
Comely in Character–ch. 1. 5 “I, black, but comely, as the tents of Kedar, as curtains of Solomon.” Note. it is the bride that is black, not the tents of Kedar, perhaps; not tilt? Curtains of Solomon,…
Constant in Growth ch. 7. 7, 8 “This thy stature is like to a palm tree … to clusters of grapes … the smell of thy breath like apples (citrons).” The Bridegroom sees in her the beauties and the fruitf…
A Saviour- not quite God is a bridge broken at the farther end.’ Thus we proceed to consider the grand truth of the absolute Deity of our Lord and Saviour. Deity defined. It would be well for us to be…
Name means: bearer or borne (by God), He was a herdman from Tekoah, with no professional training, but God took him and commissioned him–ch. 7. 14, 15. Theme: Divine government, not only of Judah and …
‘Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God and saying, The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye and believe t…
I. Christ’s Testimony to the scriptures The attitude of the Lord Jesus Christ to the Bible is a matter of first importance, for, seeing that He is our Exemplar, our attitude should be precisely His. (…
CRISES IN CREATION 2. Sin’s Entry, chs. 3-4 CAUSE The Genesis record clearly asserts the fall of man as an historical fact, that temptation came from without and that sin was an intruder into the life…
The series commencing under this general title aims to present suggestive outlines on the book of Genesis in the following form: Crises in creation, chs. 1-11 God’s Handiwork, 1-2. Sin’s Entry, 3-4. …
Marked by:– Unadulterated Simplicity – “Where two or three are gathered …” 2 Cor. 11. 13 “I fear lest, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty … so your minds be corrupted from the simplicity…
v. 1. A Divine order in the assembly of which we must not be ignorant. v. 2, 3. A Distinctive mark of true membership in the assembly, v. 4 –13. Diversity of Gifts – Grk. – grace gifts of Administrati…
Most of you know this phrase, though it is not very common now. It suggested chat the last limits of patience had been reached with some incredibly stupid person, someone whose stupidity–like the stor…
Name means: “Embracing.” Habakkuk contemporary with Jeremiah and Daniel. Note thatthe conditions of 2 Kings, 24 and 25, are reflected in ch. 1. 2-4 – violence, iniquity, spoiling, strife and contentio…
The story of Joseph is the record of the exaltation of the man whom men rejected, of man’s passions and God’s purpose. Our study of Joseph constantly reminds us of the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s beloved…
We read in the Psalms that Joseph “was sold for a servant: whose feet they hurt with fetters: he was laid in iron: until the time that his word came: the word of the Lord tried him”, Ps. 105.17-19. We…
HEROES IN HISTORY, 1. ABRAHAM, chs. 12-25 Key to his life – The Tent and the Altar. The tent was ‘‘pitched” for it spoke of temporary things, but the altar was “builded” for it spoke of permanent valu…
HEROES IN HISTORY 2. ISAAC, chs. 25-27 It has been said that the salient feature of Isaac’s life is that it has no salient features. He is a passive and unoriginal character. The events and incidents …
Mark 8. 22-23 By the RoadsideThe Blind man of Bethsaida, 8. 22-26‘And He cometh to Bethsaida; and they bring a blind man unto him, and besought him to touch him’, 8. 22 This miracle was:(a) Peculiar t…
Mark 5. 25-34; 6. 6, 7 Among the CrowdThe Woman who Touched Him, 5. 25-34Despite the urgency of the situation, the Lord delayed His journey to the house of Jairus to respond to the touch of a desperat…
HIMSELF ALONE: Jn. 6. 15. COMMUNION Phil, 4. 4-7. (Weymouth trans.) Alone with Him, will make us – Cheerful v4. “Be glad in the Lord” Considerate v5. “Let your forbearing spirit be known to everyone.”…
Name means: The Lard (Yahweh) is God (El). Theme: Thu Government of God. A three-laid reference to “the Day of the Lord” divides the book into three suctions: – 1. Chaos and Calamity – Day of Desolati…
Subject: THE LAST DAYS. Study Portion: Chapter 12. 1-33.OUTLINEJOHN SELECTS THREE INCIDENTS in this last week of our Lord’s earthly life:The feast at Bethany, vv. 1-11.The triumphant entry into Jerusa…
Subject – CONVERSATION WITH UNBELIEVING JEWS.Study Portion – Chapter 8. 30-59.OUTLINETHESE VERSES relate the third conversation we arc to study in the Gospel. We have noted previously -1. The conversa…
Subject – THE LAST DAYS, continued. Study Portion – Chapters 13-16, inclusive.OUTLINEThe Grace of the Saviourch. 13. 1-20and Lesson in HumilityTHE LORD JESUS has now turned from the publicity of the c…
Subject: THE PRAYER AND PASSION OF THE SAVIOUR. Study Portion: Chapters 17, 18, and 19.OUTLINEThese chapters have been called the ‘Holy of Holies’ of the Gospel of John. In them the mind of Christ is …
Subject - ‘EASTER’ and the ‘EPILOGUE’. Study Portion ~ Chapters 20 and 21.OUTLINEMorningvv. 1-18WE NOW COMB TO THE FULFILMENT of the Saviour’s words ‘Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise…
SUBJECT : The first Disciples, ‘They heard the call.’ STUDY PORTION : John 1. 37-51 OUTLINE THESE VERSES ARE A LESSON in men and motives, characters and contacts. Man manufactures patterns of uniformi…
SUBJECT :The Witness of John – STUDY PORTION : chapter I, 19-36. Other passages for reading and study : Matt. 3. 1-16; 11. 1-15 ; Mark 1. 1-11; 6. 14-30 ; Luke 3. 1-22 ; 7. 24-30; John 3. 23-36.(Quota…
SUBJECT–The Word.STUDYPORTION–Chap.l.1-18. (A).The Declaration of Godhead. 1. Eternity of Being–vv. 1,2.” The same was in the beginning with God." 2. Creator of all things – v. 3.” All things were mad…
“Fourth “ Gospel.–The latest of the four Gospels and different in many respects from the other three; e.g. in its chronology, its greater emphasis on our Lord’s ministry in Jerusalem, and the manner a…
Subject -THE DOOR AND THE GOOD SHEPHERD. The Third and Fourth Wonderful Sayings. Study Portion – Chapter 10. 1-31. OUTLINE We take these two wonderful sayings of the Saviour together in our present s…
Subject – THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE. The FifthWonderful Saying. Study Portion – Chapter 11. 1-46. OUTLINE In a previous article we considered the Wonderful Sign of the Raising of Lazarus; we now…
Subject – THE RAISING OF LAZARUS. The Seventh Sign. Study portion – Chapter 11. 1-27. THERE ARE THREE OCCASIONS in the Gospels when the Lord Jesus raised the dead, namely: a.A young girl of twelve ye…
Subject -THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. The Sixth Wonderful Saying. Study Portion – Chapter 13. 31-38; 14. 1-31. OUTLINE THE OCCASION WAS A UNIQUE ONE, for the Saviour had gathered His own together …
Subject – THE TRUE VINE. The Seventh Wonderful Saying. Study Portion – Chapter 15. OUTLINE A lesson in fruit-bearing The Figure Employed THE SYMBOL OF THE VINE was one familiar to Jewish ears both in …
Subject – IN CANA OF GALILEE. The First Sign. Study Portion – Chapter 2. 1-11 (Quotations from R.V.) OUTLINE Verse 11, ‘This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee’. A note on miracles: Fo…
Subject- NICODEMUSANDHISCONVERSATIONWITH THE LORD JESUS. Study Portion – Chapter 3. 1-21. OUTLINE Note three interesting conversations in the Gospel of John involving - 3. 1-21. A man with a religious…
OUTLINE IN OUR LAST LESSON the Lord Jesus talked with a man who had a religious problem, a member of the Jewish Sanhedrin. Now He is talking to a woman with a moral problem, an outcast and despised Sa…
OUTLINE A lesson in the power of Christ and the progress of faith. The occasion, v. 46, ‘so Jesus came again into Cana of Galilee, where he had made the water wine’. This explanatory associa-tion of p…
OUTLINE 1. THE CIRCUMSTANCES, V. I. ‘There was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem’. It is perhaps significant that this occasion is designated ‘a feast of the Jews’ and not as it was …
Subject -THEBREADOF LIFE.TheFirstWonderful Saying. Study Portion – Chapter 6. OUTLINE THE CONTEXT, VV. 1-34. a. Multitude and Miracle – vv. 1-26. With five barley loaves and two small fishes, from the…
Subject – WALKING ON THE SEA. The Fifth Sign. Study portion – Chapter 6. 14-21. Parallel passages for reading and study – Matt. 14. 22-33; Mark 6. 45-52. OUTLINE 1. GRACIOUS PURPOSE This incident is r…
Subject -THE FEEDING OF THE FIVE THOUSAND. The Fourth Sign. Study Portion – Chapter 6. 1-15. Other passages for reading and study: Matt. 14. 15-23; Mark 6. 39-44; Luke 9. 14-17. (Quotations from A.V. …
Subject – THELIGHT OF THEWORLD. The Second Wonderful Saying. Study Portion – Chapter 8. 12-59. OUTLINE Trace three vital principles through John’s Gospel – LIFE, LIGHT and LOVE. In our last study the …
Subject – THE HEALING OF THE BLIND MAN.The Sixth Sign. Study portion – Chapter 9. 1-41. OUTLINE Here is a chapter of Questions and Answers. Note carefully the people who ask the questions, and the ans…
Chapter 23 describes the Proclama-tion of the Feasts: "The feasts of the Lord, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are my feasts”, 23. 2. Two Hebrew words are translated “feast…
In this paper we shall consider the Purification of the Camp, chs. 11-15; the Provision of Atonement, ch. 16; and the Principle of Sacrifice and Preciousness of blood, ch. 17. The Purification of the …
In this paper we begin the second main section of the book, namely, the Requirements of Fellowship and Mans Acceptance with God in Sanctification, chs. 18-27; review again the full summary given in pa…
The second in order of the sweet savour offerings was The Meal Offering, Lev. 2. In the burnt offering Christ is the perfect sacrifice in absolute obedience to God, whereas in the meal offering He is …
This paper includes a Parenthesis, ch. 24, and deals with Privileges and Property, ch. 25. At this point in the record there appears to be a break in continuity, with a repetition of some of the laws,…
Chapters 26 and 27 conclude our studies in the book of Leviticus and bring before us Promises, Principles and Pledges. We shall think first of Promises and Principles as described in chapter 26, a cha…
Chapters 6 to 10 relate firstly to the Portion of the Offerings, 6. 8 to 7.38, and secondly to the Preparation of the Priests, 8.1 to 10. 20. The First Section may be summar-ized, “this is the port/on…
The aim of this series is to present suggestive studies, mainly of a devo-tional arid practical nature; great etern-al truths are expressed symbolically with regard to worship and commun-ion – its hin…
How important little things can be! A Spells of dust in the eye, how annoying; a speck of dirt hi the wound, how dangerous; a ‘moment’ of time and a great disaster; a little spark and how great a fee …
Cherished in Possession – ch. 4. 12 “A garden enclosed is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed.” Separation – a garden enclosed Secrecy – a spring hidden Sacredness – not the comm…
Him Perfections Expressed “My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh … as a cluster of henna-flowers in the vineyards of Engedi” - 1. 13, 14, (R.V.) Satisfies our affections “As the apple (citron) tr…
Compared in description “His name is as ointment poured forth” Preciousness – Psa. 133. 2 Perfume – Jn. 12. 3 Purity – Ex. 30. 25 Chosen in humiliation “Thou shalt call His name Jesus: for He shall sa…
With this paper we arrive at the third main section of the book: In the Plains of Moab, and the Prospects and Division of the Land, 22. 2 to 36. 13. The chapters now to be considered describe the char…
The concluding chapters 26-36 reiterate Jehovah’s promises and plans for His people, and include: Numberings, 26. 1-65; Laws, 27. 1 to 30.16; 36. 1-13; and Instructions, 31. 1 to 35. 34. Numberings, 2…
Our final paper deals with a series of miscellaneous instructions which relate to: The Avenging of Midian, ch. 31; The Allotment of Gilead, ch. 32; The Advance from Egypt, ch. 33; The Allocation of th…
In this paper we arrive at the second main section of the book: From Sinai to the Plains of Moab, and Progress through the Desert, chs. 10. 11 to 22. 1. The wanderings in the wilderness covered a peri…
In this paper we shall consider Repetitions, Regulations and Reminders, ch. 15; Rebellion and Retribution, ch. 16; Recognition and Responsibility of priesthood, ch. 17 and 18; and Removal of Impurity,…
The section we shall now consider deals with the events leading to the final stage of the journey to Canaan and the encampment in the plains of Moab. Murmuring at Meribah, 20. 1-21 Once more the peopl…
Chapters 5 to 10. 10 relate to: The Purification of the Camp, chs. 5 and 6; The Provision for Service, chs. 7 and 8; and The Prospect of Advance, chs. 9 to 10. 10. The Purification of the Camp, Chs. 5…
The aim of this present series is not to provide a detailed exposition of this book (for this the reader will need to refer to a more exhaustive commentary) but to indicate from “things … written afor…
Name Means: Servant of Jehovah. Contemporary with Jeremiah, but nothingknown about him. The Prophecy is against Edom, the Posterity of Esau, the Persistent enemies of Israel. Theme: The Kingdom shall …
All quotations are from the Revised Version. A group of young people is discussing the subject of Baptism, and we are surprised to hear how varied are the views expressed. ‘When I was an infant, I was…
All quotations are from the Revised Version You may remember that in the last issue we listened in to a group of young people discussing the subject of ‘Baptism’; we join them again on this occasion t…
Nowhere in the New Testament is the Christian experience described as a life of ease, complacency and leisure, but rather as a course to be maintained and a conquest to be won. It was Paul’s observati…
Preliminary. The stability of a building depends upon the reliability of its foundation, and we may well ask upon what founda-tion does the whole structure and fabric of the Christian faith depend. Ma…
To the Epicureans life was considered to be a matter of chance, while to the Stoics it was to be governed by a relentless fate. It was, therefore, man’s lot to be resigned to either chance or fate, a …
In our last paper we considered the first two sub-sections of The Revelation of Divine Purpose in Exodus (refer to the complete analysis of the book again in the July-August, 1970, issue). We are now …
Three groups of people are presented in this passage. First, there are the Critics from Jerusalem‘Then came together unto him the Pharisees, and certain of the scribes, which came from Jerusalem, and …
‘And they came over unto the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gadarenes, and when he was come out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit’,.M…
A Question of Trust and Consequence of Doubt. ‘He came into his own country . .. and when the Sabbath day was come, he began to teach in the synagogue’, 6. 1, 2. The Lord came to Nazareth where He had…
Our brother first wrote for the magazine for ‘Gleaners Corner’ in 1947. From that time he was a regular contributor In August 1997, due to a unexpected heart attack, and also a severe stroke experienc…
(1) Great Promises–Chapter 1 THESE THINGS … v. 4. Partakers of the Divine nature Preserved from, the corruption of the world vv. 5-8. Progress in Christian virtues "if these things be in you, and abou…
THE word “atonement" is essentially an Old Testament word, where it occurs some 70 times or more. It is found but once in the Authorized Version of the New Testament; the Revised Version, however, tra…
A Supreme Question THREE times in the book of Job the question occurs, “How can a man be just before God” (Job. 4. 17, R.V. margin; 9. 2; 25. 4). Perhaps the first suggestion of the true solution to t…
“God deviseth means (literally, thinketh thoughts), that he that is banished be not an outcast from Him.” These were the words of the wise woman of Tekoah, as, at the instigation of Joab, she sought t…
THE TERM “redemption “ occurs both in the Old and New-Testaments. and the idea of purchase with a view to freedom was well-known to the Hebrew of the Old Testament and the Greek and Roman of the New. …
The Apostle Paul writing to the saints at Ephesus and to the faithful in Christ Jesus, reminds them that they have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ. Such a positi…
THE Old Testament words rendered sanctify, or sanctification, imply setting apart to sacred purposes or to consecrate, and have various applications in the Old Testament. We read, for instance, of hol…
THE history of the life of our Lord Jesus upon earth did not end, with His death but with His ascension into Heaven. He remained in the world 40 days after His Resurrection, and during that period Me …
(I) The event declared. The apostle Paul, in his summary of the Christian message, wrote to the church at Corinth in these words, “ I delivered unto you first of all … how that Christ died for our sin…
PROGRESS IN LIGHT — God is Light, ch. 1. 5 — ch. 2. 29. Displayed (ch. 1. 5 — ch. 2. 11) ch. 1. 4. Fulness of Joy 7. Fellowship of Love 9. Forgiveness of Sins ch. 2. 4, 5. Fidelity in Truth 9-11. Foll…
The first main division in this series of studies on Exodus is found at the end of chapter u (for the complete outline see the July-August issue). The title proposed for this section of the book was “…
Air-Commodore P. J. Wiseman, G.B.E., who spent many years with the R.A.F, in the Middle East and took part in archaeological work then with many of the leading modern scholars, gives the evidence foun…
We are on safe ground only if we read carefully what the Bible says on this important subject, and, though recognizing the fact that the ‘ infinite ‘ cannot be expressed in terms of the ‘ finite.’ adh…
THE wide scope of this important subject will not permit more than a brief consideration of the activities of the Spirit of Cod in a fivefold aspect of truth. In this paper we shall deal with His work…
IN our last paper we considered the Spirit’s work in Creation, Conviction and ConversionWe shall now refer to His work in relation to the Christian believer. The Promise of The Spirit. In John 14. 16,…
"Inspiration “ – a fascinating word and so full of meaning! But what does it mean ? Some will say, Shakespeare was “in-spired” to write his plays, Bacon his essays, Tennyson his poetry, Handel his mus…
Ch. 10. Table – a Fellowship Ch. 11. Supper – a Feast Acts. 2. 42 – “they continued …, in fellowship and breaking of bread-” The Fellowship – Defined, ch. 10. 16 The cup of blessing for which we give …
IntroductionA Question of Tradition and Contact with Disease. ‘And he entered again into the synagogue and there was a man there who had a withered hand, and they watched him, whether he would heal hi…
There are three essentials for every would-be preacher of the Gospel.1. Seek the Mind of GodThis is both the preacher’s motive and incentive. He must know, if he is to make known, the mind of God; he …
It has been said that “ the glory of our Christianity is that it never views life as being complete in this world. It always has its eyes lifted to the morning, and gazes out upon the eternities, reco…
THE SECOND EPISTLE OF JOHN Key Words—Love (4 times), Truth (5 times) Address. vv. 1-3. “unto the elect lady and her children.” Private correspondence and personal commendation to a Christian lady—2n…
In this paper we are to consider a part of the third and last main division of the book of Exodus. The title proposed for this is THE TEACHINGS OF JEHOVAH AND THE WILL OF GOD, 19. 1 to 40. 38 The part…
The chapters which remain to be considered in this series conclude the main division of Exodus which we have entitled THE TEACHINGS OF JEHOVAH AND THE WILL OF GOD, 19. 1 to 40. 38 Parts of this have a…
Pen Portraits - Gaius, Diotrephes, Demetrius vv. 1-8. Gaius - His Character expounded vv. 9-11. Diotrephes - His Conduct exposed vv. 12-13. Demetrius - His Confidence enjoined Gaius v. 2. Prosperit…
In this series we purpose considering in order some of the lessons contained in the book of Exodus. The framework of our studies is set out in the following outline. The Trials of Persecution and the …
We are now to consider the second main division in this series of studies. The title proposed for this is THE TRIUMPH OF REDEMPTION AND THE WORK OF GOD, 12. 1 to 18. 27 Read the passage carefully. The…
IntroductionThe word ‘synagogue’ is derived from ‘sun’, together, and ‘ego’, to bring, and denotes ‘to bring together’. These were buildings set apart for the worship of God and appear to have origina…
Having dealt with matters of a carnal nature in the church at Corinth, 1 Cor. 5-11, Paul writes “concerning spiritual gifts”, 12. 1. The word “gifts” does not appear in the Greek text, but is supplied…
Matthew and John also record this miracle as a sequel to the feeding of the five thousand, and on the evening of the same day. We think first of the: Historic FactSome regard this incident as an alleg…
2 Chronicles: 5, 13, 14. “as the trumpeters, and singers were as one. to make ONE sound to be heard in PRAISING … the LORD … then the house was filed with a cloud …for the glory of the LORD had filled…
Book Reviews by this Author
The first words of Genesis and the first words of John are brought together in this lovely devotional study. The author has for many years contributed to Precious Seed. 152 pages. Price £2.95 (£3.25 i…

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