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Dr. James F. Spink
Articles by this Author
Because it is useful to know what visitors think about us and tell others about us, we appreciate an American visitor’s permission to print a letter he has written to Christians across the Atlantic. D…
We believe this message from our brother across the Atlantic will do good, although we are glad to know that it does not reflect the predominant impressions made upon him during his recent sojourn amo…
Christian vitality is at a low ebb. Christian life expresses itself but feebly. The doctrines of grace are widely known great and glorious truths arc on the lips of many, but the practical exposition …
Abridged reprint from Nov./Dec. 1948 issue by the late Dr. James F. Spink, Collingdale, U.S.A. If Christianity is to make headway, it must be proved to be more than a theory, and we must present to th…

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