Author –

Dennis Williamson
Articles by this Author
That the First Epistle of John provides us with the character and conduct expected of those who belong to God’s family is beyond doubt. A very casual reading of the Epistle as a whole will serve to il…
Having emphasized in chapter 1 the fulness of forgiveness and the happiness enjoyed in the appreciation of the same, John now seems to anticipate that some might lean toward licence. If we can never b…
The second occurrence of the term “little children” in the Epistle, 2. 12, reminds us again of what is true of all the family. The simplicity and solitary dignity of the statement should delight us. “…
Two different words for knowledge are used throughout the Epistle, and it is important to trace them in their context. In 2. 29 both are referred to. Three things are emphasised (a) Revelation – we “k…
In a day when men value the weight of public opinion, the voice of the majority, the pressure of influence, etc., it is very refreshing to turn to the Word of God and find someone like the apostle Joh…
As we approach chapter 5, we see that the apostle is drawing in the net, as it were. He has, we may say, launched out into the deep throughout the Epistle, emphasizing some of the most vital doctrines…
All Second Epistles are punctuated with caution, admonition, instruction and preparation in view of anticipated or actual departure from the ways of God. Equally evident in all is the spiritual discer…
One can well remember as a child, attempting to form a mentai picture of the scene suggested by the chorus “If Jesus came to your house, I wonder what you’d do”. With the passing of years the house ha…
‘And now I beseech thee, lady’, v. 5. The tender tone of the writer’s approach in no way lessens the underlying burden of his heart. One cannot fail to detect the deep springs from which he himself ha…
‘Doctrine is not really important, let’s have practice’, so say some impatient critics of the day, ‘after all what benefit does the average believer get from listening to detailed discussions upon doc…

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