Author –

Denis Clapham
Articles by this Author
The two letters addressed to Timothy were unquestionably written to a young man, for it says in 1 Timothy 4. 12, “Let no man despise thy youth”, that is, his youthfulness. They contain various instruc…
He, who to begin with came to Bethlehem, did not in the end go back there, for we read, “And he led them out as far as to Bethany”. At Bethlehem, there had been “no room”, Luke 2.7, and they “received…
Today we witness many kinds of government both in the world and in the church. All are marked by varying degrees of righteousness and repression. We do well therefore to reconsider the nature of the g…
The beginning of the work The first issue in September 1945 came out soon after the end of the last World War: a war which had a crippling effect on the life of nations, of families and not least on a…
The apostle Paul was appointed by Christ Himself ‘a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles’, 2 Tim. 1. 11. He was commissioned and sent as one who was fully aware that a dispensation …
In every matter which involves the saints and their responsible conduct in relation to the things of God, we will find our blessed Lord Himself to be the perfect model of it. This is because in His ow…
Part 1: w. 1-20 Ingeneral, the Apostle’s argument that all the world is under the judgement of God is here concluded v. 19. In particular, it is demonstrated that the Jews, despite their many advanta…
In the Scriptures, we read of the Apostle to the Gentiles both as a young man and as ‘Paul the aged’, and between these two points is stretched what may surely be called ‘the life of unparalleled suff…
Paul was made a minister of the Gospel, Col. 1. 23, and also a minister of the church, 1. 24-25. Both ministries are alluded to in Romans 16. 25-27, “Now to him that is of power to stablish you accord…
1 Thessalonians 4. 13-18 1.Believers addressed as brethren, v. 13. 2.The apostle would not have them, not to know something, v. 13. 3.He therefore writes concerning the coming of the Lord, v. 15. 4.He…
Minister – Messenger – MartyrActs 6. 1 to 8. 3 by D. Clapham, Birmingham‘And devout men carried Stephen to his burial, and made great lamentation over him.’ These are the pathetic words with which the…
1. Events Leading to the Arrest. Hostility to the Lord Jesus from Jewry, particularly from the rulers, see 1 Cor. 2. 8. They (a) persecuted Him and (b) tried to kill Him, because He had healed a man o…
This offering which is the most common of all the bloodless offerings mentioned in the Scriptures is called in Hebrew minchah, meaning ‘a gift’. The Authorised Version translates it ‘meat offering’ (i…
In this series of short papers we shall review some of the Lord’s parables which have been preserved for us in the divinely inspired Gospel records, and make it our aim to trace the development of His…
The reasons given for the King’s speaking in parables are supplied by the inspired apostle himself, and they are seen to be connected with the series of parables which was spoken by the King soon afte…
Before considering in detail the eight parables recorded in Matthew 13 it will be necessary to think about certain general matters affecting them all The opening words of the chapter, “The same day”, …
The analysis of Matthew 13 given in the last paper showed that the eight parables were divided into two groups of four. The first four (1 followed by 3 grouped) were spoken to the multitudes; and the …
In those days on earth when the kingdom of heaven drew near, there were experts in the study of the law of Moses who formed schools, and taught their pupils orally. Their laudable aim was to write not…
The first of the next group of four parables to be considered was spoken by the King to His disciples to illustrate the saying of the kingdom, “But many that are first shall be last; and the last shal…
"Bishop” and “elder’ are descriptions of the same person. The term “elder’ indicates mature spiritual experience and understanding; “bishop” or “overseer’ indicates the character of the work. The same…

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