Author –

David Gooding
Articles by this Author
Because the popularity of modern translations of the Bible has led to injudicious use of them in some quarters we thought it would help if we Invited the comments of a scholar whose expert knowledge o…
These words describe the bringing up and education of children. Their difference in meaning can be clearly seen in the accounts of the education of Moses and Paul. Anatrepho has to do largely with the…
BOTH THESE WORDS ARE USED to express the idea of forgiveness. Apliiemi, the more common of the two, means basically to let go, to send away, and so when used to express forgiveness it signifies remiss…
These words have in common that they all denote the very young child. Brephos is an unborn child, Luke 1. 41, a babe new-born, Acts 7. 19, and a child still in babyhood. So then the children brought t…
These three words belong to the same group as those dis­cussed in our previous article. Dokimion, which occurs in 1 Peter 1. 7, is especially interesting. The Authorized Version translation, ‘the tria…
THE VERB hypomeno, means a. ‘to stay behind’ as in Luke 2. 43 - ‘the boy Jesus tarried behind’; b. ‘to remain’, i.e., not to recede or run away: hence ‘to endure’ trials and tribulations or rigorous t…
The epistle to the Hebrews, perhaps beyond all others, is designed to strengthen the faith, confidence and assurance of God’s people. This is everywhere apparent: the great quality that is extolled in…
TO DISCOVER THE TRUE MEANINGS of New Testament words, two things are necessary: on the lower level a knowledge of the Greek language, and on the higher level a patient study of the Holy Spirit’s word-…
‘Nous’, is ‘MIND’ in the sense of the intellect, the reasoning faculty, the understanding. When Paul exclaimed ‘Who hath known the mind (i.e., intellect and intellect in action, the dunking and planni…
Both these words convey the idea of ‘disobedience’. Parakouo, the verb related to the noun parakoe, means basically ‘to listen inattentively, to take no notice of what is heard’. It is used in this se…
PHRONEO, SOPHRONE&PHRONEO, ’to think’ means not so much to use the critical faculty as:1. ‘to occupy one’s mind with’, e.g.Col. 3. 2. ‘Set your mind (A.V. affections) on things above.’ Phil. 3. 19…
(Quotations are from Revised Version)Since teknon etymologically means “a born-one, a bairn, a child’, and huios means a ‘son’, one may often hear it said that wherever in Scripture we read of the CHI…
False Peacemakers Chapters 22 and 23 of Luke are filled with ideas of peace and provision. The priests pose as peacemakers by accusing Christ of disturbing and exciting the people, and demand His exec…
Book Reviews by this Author
A New Exposition of the Third Gospel, by David Gooding. £5.95. Inter-Varsity Press. 362 pages. This very readable exposition is divided into two major sections described as “The Coming”, covering Ch…
A New Exposition of the Third Gospel, by David Gooding. £5.95. Inter-Varsity Press. 362 pages. This very readable exposition is divided into two major sections described as “The Coming”, covering Ch…
192 pp. £7.95, published by Gospel Folio Press, P.O. Box 2041, Grand Rapids, MI 49501-2041, USA. Available in the U.K. from John Ritchie Ltd., 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock, KA3 1RH (ISBN 1-882701-47-X). …
(14 Studies in the Gospel of Luke), 144 pages; £1.90; $3.24, postage included.…

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