Author –

D. C. Hinton
Articles by this Author
Personal Work. An elderly couple live on the Devon-Cornwall border at a spot where hitchhikers frequently wait for lifts further west. Many of us would no doubt only notice such folk with superficial …
"None shall appear before me empty”. Exodus 23. 15. All the males in Israel were commanded to appear before the Lord some three times a year to present to Him those things that spoke of the perfection…
Readers are reminded that, as has been mentioned previously from time to time, the Lord’s servants who are referred to in this section are in no way responsible to the Committee; also that the inclusi…
‘Thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee’ On several occasions in the past, attention has been drawn in these pages to the large areas in Great Britain where not only are there no assembly testimo…
Rescue Operations In several counties this summer emphasis is being placed on seeking to revive the testimony in places where the assembly is so weak that their Gospel witness has discontinued. The tr…
“Up, ye saints, arouse, be earnest, Up and work while yet ’tis day.” Earlier pages of this issue have reminded us that we must all stand before the judgment seat to give an account of how we have spe…
“The power of God unto salvation.” A young brother, exercised about the spiritual needs of his fellow students who were nearly all Roman Catholics, asked if they would consent to him arranging a meeti…
We would remind readers that the workers whose names are mentioned in the following reports are in no way responsible to the Committee of Precious Seed. These brief items are samples of that which the…
Perthshire. At the end of last year J. Campbell spent nine weeks with a portable hall in the village of Methven, six miles from Perth on the Crieff road. The interest of the local folk was evident fro…
All that is true is being challenged today, including those truths concerning the person and work of the Lord, together with the authority of the Word of God. The press, both national and local, provi…
Work, for the ‘day’ is coming by and by, When He, the Master, all our work shall try; O that we may, with ever-single eye, Work till the Master comes. Work, for the ‘day’ is coming very near, When …
Open air meetings are not only profitable for the setting forth of the Gospel but also for making the local company of believers known in the area. The small assembly at Oban, Argyll, was much encoura…
Middlesex. The believers meeting at Wellington Road, Hounslow, recalled with thanksgiving in October that their Lord had provided for their every need during the century that this assembly has been in…
We would express our thanks to those brethren who collect the reports that appear in this section. At the same time readers are re-minded that the Lord’s servants who are referred to are in no way res…
Northern Ireland. Bangor, a popular seaside resort in Co. Down, has been growing much in recent years and the Ebenezer assembly was concerned about the spiritual needs of the people on one of the new…
From time to time the Lord takes to be with Himself a believer who has been a regular attender at all the assembly gatherings and has been engaged in the Lord’s work to his or her utmost ability. The …
As this section of the magazine is reached in another issue, may we ask what your reactions have been to the reports in previous issues? As you have read of what other believers are seeking to do to s…
We have a God who delights to take up a life that is wholly given over to Him and use it for His glory. Too often we think that an organised effort is needed for the salvation of souls. The revival in…
Burdened with the spiritual needs of the large Asian population of die area, the believers gathering at Southall took a stall at the local trades fair. They obtained a supply of records in various ori…
During a tent campaign last summer a young brother brought a bus full of workers from all parts of the factory where he was employed on at least three occasions. Does this challenge us? Another corres…
The summer months are a time of fairs, agricultural shows and the like which appear to be increasing in number. All provide an oppor-tunity for the spread of the knowledge of salvation. Are we taking …
Instead of the usual problems arising from a special effort, be-lievers from Bath needed a field, tent and refreshment van in order to witness at the “Blues” Festival at Shepton Mallet in June. A team…
We would remind readers that the brethren whose names appear in the following reports are in no way responsible to the committee of Precious Seed, neither should it be assumed that the committee is ne…
When J. Hadley visited Truro and St. Austell last year for the Ministry of the Word he took up subjects such as The Local Church, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, Government and Elders, Worship and Witn…
The following reports are meant to stir each reader to prayer and to produce heart searching as to whether we are personally dis-charging our responsibility to those around us in the setting forth of …
Some years ago five young men were passing the local Gospel Hall one Lord’s Day evening bent on pleasure. An invitation to enter and join in the singing was handed to one of them and he slipped away f…
An elderly man, who had been visited by a believer on a number of occasions, recently stated that he was wholly trusting in the Saviour who died for him. He said that the Scriptures were coming to his…
“The Holy One.” The prophet Isaiah lived during the reigns of four kings, some of whom were bad and some good. Yet his message was unchanging concerning the Holy One of Israel. All needed to realise t…
“By all means save some” Walking through a street market in the north of London, jostled by young and old of various nationalities, a passer-by would be attracted by a stall displaying portions of the…
The reports which follow have been gathered for us by correspondents in different districts. Their task is not an easy one and we would once again express our appreciation of their labours. Especially…
If we have carefully read the preceding pages the following extracts will come to mind. “There should also be a response to the Lord’s desire that His people should go to others, by being constantly o…
“Stir up the gift of God” These reports are not intended simply to provide interesting reading, but to stimulate prayer and exercise as to our individual responsibility to make known the news of a Sav…
“What saith my lord unto his servant?” As we read these reports we would do well to remember the above words. The commencement of yet another year of service brings further opportunities to each one o…
‘Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord’ The use of tents for the holding of special Gospel efforts continues to prove successful, provided that there is the full support of local believers. T…
CORRECTION In the May-June issue we referred to a portable hall which had been provided for the use of I. Munro in the North of Scotland. We have to apologise for referring to this hall as ‘well-worn’…
‘Look on the fields’ In the early years of this century the Stroud Valley in Gloucestershire was a hive of industry mainly concerned with the manufacture of cloth, and at that time good numbers of bel…
‘Where wilt Thou that we go?’ It is important for our spiritual prosperity that we should live in the place where our Lord would have us reside. Having ascertained and obeyed His will as to our reside…
‘Serve now the Lord’ ‘How late is it?’ was the title of a series of ministry meetings at Inverkeithingy Fife, taken by G. Anderson, reminding us that the time for laying up treasure in heaven may be v…
‘Be Thou exalted, O God’ It was in 1934 that a few believers first met to remember their Lord in a small hired room in Halesowen, Worcestershire. Five years later a hall was erected on the southern ed…
‘making mention of thee always in my prayers’ It is important that we should always remember that importunate prayer is the basis of all blessing. The assembly at Dunmurry, a new and developing distri…
ALL for the Man of Sorrows, All for the Man of Grief; Say, dost thou shrink from the burden? Wouldst thou request relief? Relief from the cross of Jesus, Who suffered such anguish for you; To be…
Introduction. It is good to put on record the wonderful works of God: “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so”, the Psalmist says. There is despair enough among the Lord’s people today because of the pro…
Now is the time to be planning Gospel work for the coming summer holiday period. Believers from Cardiff go to a neighbour-ing village area each month and visit from door to door. In Pontyclun this has…
Many readers will soon be deciding the details of their holidays this summer. If our destination is that of the Lord’s choosing it will without doubt enable us to have fellowship with a company of His…
Northern Ireland. The Ballyhackamore assembly in Belfast was encouraged recently when a woman of 91 professed faith in Christ at meetings conducted by J. Flanigan and E. Wishart. She told of being awa…
A young brother in Co. Cork was deeply exercised some years ago about serving the Lord and would have liked to go to some other land. However the Lord showed him that it was His will that he should re…
Somerset. The assembly which meets in the Gospel Hall, Alcombe, Minehead, celebrated in November fifty years of Gospel witness in the town. Invitations had been distributed locally and to friends who …
Southern Scotland. A group of young believers spent two weeks of their summer holiday in preaching at Creetown> using a tent. A slight interest has been evident in the area subsequent to this effor…
Somerset. A group of believers gathered simply to the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ has been in existence in Langport for over a century. Gathering first in a large private house, they have for some y…
Two brethren held some Gospel meetings at the invitation of an assembly some miles from their homes. A brother in this assembly whose relatives lived away in the city, implored them to come and hear t…
We would remind readers that the brethren whose names are mentioned in the following reports are in no way responsible to the Committee of the magazine. Moreover the inclusion of any report does not n…
Tract work. The regular distribution of Gospel literature is an essential part of an assembly’s activities. Not only is the Word of God made known but in addition residents are reminded of the company…
At the start of another year we would express our thanks to those brethren who shoulder the responsibility of obtaining the reports which appear in this section. We would also remind readers that the …
Two workers visited the villages on the borders of Perthshire and Stirlingshire this summer. On enquiry they were told that the residents had neither heard the Gospel preached nor received Gospel lite…
It has been calculated that in the area of South Wales there are over one million souls who will not be reached widi the Gospel by normal assembly methods. Of this total one quarter are seventeen year…
Have we lost faith in the old fashioned Gospel and the old fashioned ways of making it known? Is this why there is a lack of real conviction of sin and true repentance? A woman passing a Gospel Hall w…
Answering a knock at the door a believer was confronted by a lady, a Jehovah’s Witness. He clearly set before her the Gospel in all its fulness. She listened and then asked, “If you have such a wonder…
Somerset. Although there are a good number of assemblies in this county there is a large tract between Bridgwater and Minehead where there is little evangelistic witness. During the latter part of las…
In 1965 a group of believers from the Hamilton area of Lanarkshire decided to concentrate their attention upon the nearest country town with no assembly witness, which was Peebles. Fortnightly visits …
Correction. We deeply regret that the report in the previous issue under Birmingham contained a serious error. Through no fault of the correspondent concerned the death of one who had been under the s…
Sussex. About 1903 a Christian lady in Birmingham made a gift of a timber and corrugated iron hut for a mission in Ditchling. Known as the ‘little green hut’, this has been in use ever since for the s…
The following reports tell of the salvation of souls in various parts of the country. The sowing of the incorruptible seed of the Word of God is still the only method which can result in eternal bless…
With the coming of another summer season with its opportunities for witness in the open-air, we do well to consider what use we plan to make of it in our own locality. Children can be reached who neve…
"The seed is the word of God”, Luke 8. n. "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which livedi and abideth for ever”, 1 Peter 1. 23. We must always rememb…
Open air work still provides one way in which large numbers of folk can be reached with the Gospel. If banners or placards with texts of Scripture are used the passer-by is bound to read them. Why the…
Far more souls are often reached with the Gospel during one stand in the open-air than in a year’s indoor Gospel meetings. Why then are we so loathe to witness in this way? Souls are still being broug…
Once again we would seek to stir one another up regarding open air work. A national newspaper recently contained a letter asking where all the open air meetings had gone, especially regretting not hea…
We live in days when mankind at large is beginning to reap the inevitable consequences of rebellion against God. The Word of God, together with the principles it contains, have been set to one side, r…
Many ways are used by believers to contact unsaved folk and speak of the Saviour. One brother invites bis business colleagues to his home with some of his neighbours, together with a brother competent…
At a recent Bible Reading in Plymouth it was stated that there was so much ‘soft soaping’ in so-called Gospel preaching simply because the peril of the unsaved was not really appreciated. How vital it…
The following reports give cause for rejoicing as we read of souls being saved and a new assembly established. They also present a challenge as to how serious we are in our Gospel witness. When was th…
A correspondent asks why believers will not help in open-air work including that of the mobile units. In a past day most assemblies maintained an open-air witness but today such are in the minority. A…
Cumbria In the early days of the assembly in Backbarrow, Ulverston, believers were baptized in the local river, it being convenient as one of the elder brethren lived in a house adjoining the river ba…
‘MOSES MY SERVANT IS DEAD’ – what a blank this must have left in the hearts of the children of Israel. The one leader they had known had been taken from them at a most critical juncture – on the eve o…
WHEN THE HUMAN RACE COMMENCED, Adam was created as its head: when a family was to be chosen to be God’s elect people Abraham was selected. His descendants, after years of bondage cried unto Jehovah fo…
Every believer should count it a privilege to gather together on a Lord’s Day morning to remember Him. There they sit together consciously in His presence, calling Him to mind with every heart pouring…
Somerset In 1959 the assembly at Enmore, near Bridgwater, comprised only six believers and the only gatherings were for the remembrance of the Lord and a weeknight meeting for young people. At the end…
Worthing The assembly meeting at Bedford Road Gospel Hall has recently concluded a series of twelve weekly addresses on the fundamentals of Scripture. These have been very helpful and well attended an…
“Behold, here am I”, Genesis 22. 1 We do well to consider the above words, used by Abraham, Moses, Samuel and others, before reading the following reports. The full force of the phrase is “Behold me”,…
“Woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel” “Who is my neighbour?” Have you ever stood outside your local school as the children go home and wondered how many of them know anything of the Saviour’s c…
Gloucestershire Prior to 1962 the assembly in Newent met in a small rented room, and the Sunday School numbered about twenty. In that year Glebe Gospel Chapel was opened and the school has steadily in…
‘He healeth the broken in heart’ The last issue included an outline of the work of the assembly at Annbank, Scotland, in reaching out to bereaved families in their district. Judging by the number of e…
One of the objects of this section of the magazine has been to encourage the Lord’s people to reach out with the Gospel of the glory of God to parts hitherto unreached. As we read the following pages …
The commencement of another year is a fitting point to record our appreciation of the efforts of all who have co-operated in any way in the compilation of reports. The time and labour devoted by a num…
OUR CONSIDERATION OF DANIEL, the man who purposed in his heart; of David, the man who counted upon his God; and of Moses, the man who endured, has been with the object of now concentrating upon the pe…

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