Author –

C. H. Darch
Articles by this Author
THROUGH the mercy of God we are now setting out on the New Year: when we shall be faced with new problems and new joys; when God will teach us new lessons, if we arc prepared to learn of Him ;when He …
In 2 Kings 4. 38 we read, “There was a dearth in the land,” when Elisha came to Gilgal. This can be said of many places today in another sense; many assemblies have had no harvest of souls for some ti…
One may be introduced into a family in two different ways, by birth or adoption. Often, too, we contrast the immaturity of the ‘child’ with the more adult maturity of the ‘son’. In order to understand…
Human beings are naturally self-centred and are always inclined to see themselves the centre of everything; it is therefore little wonder if when surveying the death of Christ we view it from our own …
On Friday, 16th September Mr. A. G. Bowerman, of Taunton, was called into the Lord’s presence at the age of 76. He was converted in early life through a rebuke administered by a Roman Catholic woman, …
Luke’s Gospel presents the Lord Jesus as the perfect Man, therefore it is quite suitable that He is shown as being indwelt by and led by God’s Holy Spirit. This lesson is brought before us under certa…
Matt. 26 and John 12 record a feast, at which the respective characters of Mary and Judas are revealed. They had much in common: the fathers of both of them, remarkably enough, were called Simon; both…
EVANGELISM is of the utmost importance. Men must be won for Christ, and God, in His infinite wisdom, has given great encouragement to do this work in 2 Cor. 10. 4-6. By examining this passage, sentenc…
From the very inception of Previous Seed, Mr. C. H. Darch has taken a keen interest in all aspects of the Magazine, and has given valuable and much appreciated help in the collection of material for t…
On an island in the Solomons, a few native christians were gathered to bid farewell to one of their number who was going to a neighbouring island with the gospel. Borrowing the familiar language of th…
In our next Number we hope to announce that we have a Correspondent for each area of the British Isles. The brethren who are already helping in this way are busy men, but they gladly devote a consider…
“The assembly Gospel meeting has had its day,” Have you heard this? Do you believe it? Readers of the Reports on these pages will know that it is not true everywhere, but from far too many quarters co…
Twelve months ago we wrote “Summer gospel work is now in full swing,” It seems hardly possible that that summer has come and gone, and that another has arrived. How the months slip past! Perhaps, befo…
Careful reading of the reports of colportage in Eire, which are published in this section mouth by mo nth, will reveal the effect of active opposition to the Gospel. Few doors are open to the servants…
As we have received reports from many parts of the British Isles, we have tried to picture the harvest field, realising that the activity which has been reported is buta fraction of the whole. Man/ th…
We are grateful to all those who write to us – whether they send criticism or encouragement. Some readers ask why our reports do not give a fuller picture of what is being done through-out the British…
RINGWOOD, ST. IVES There is some concern at thesmall number attending the gospel meetings and consideration is being given tothe matter of moving the Hall nearer to the town, or if possible to a site …
"The same days there were added unto them about live thousand souls, and they continued steadfastly.” Acts 2. 41-42. Commenting on this passage nearly 400 years ago, John Calvin declared:– "This examp…
"How shall I go up to my father and the lad be not with me?” Gen. 44. 34. We remember an address on the above text given by Dr. Northcote Deck. He used it to stress our responsibility to others in con…
AREA CORRESPONDENTS LONDON & HOME COUNTIES Stanley H. Sayers, 33 Crieff Road, Wandsworth, S.W. 18 SOUTHERN ENGLAND A. G. Payne, 39 Solent Road, Drayton, Portsmouth SOUTH-WEST ENGLAND G. H. Maxwell…
“They declared all things that God had done with them.” Acts 15.4 Because of the Christmas holiday our copy had to be prepared rather earlier than usual and this may account for the fact that we have …
We have often received reports which did not quite relate to gospel work, and as a genwa.1 rule we have not thought it appropriate to publish them. We feel, however, that many of these reports of asse…
IF a human father finds so much pleasure in forgiving his wayward son who returns, that he not only gives him a kiss, but also the best robe, the ring on his hand, and the shoes on his feet, and provi…
About 130 years ago there was living at Barnstaple a young man, Robert Gribble by name, who had it laid on his heart to carry the Gospel into the villages of North Devon, but not being a preacher he d…
The new birth is of vital importance because without it no one can enter into the kingdom of God; mere professions or decisions are not enough. Men must be born of God and so become the children of Go…
The Priesthood of Christ is of such vital importance that it should be constantly before our minds, occupying our attention as one of the great themes of Scripture. This short study is designed to hig…
There has been much disagreement over the branches of the Vine which are taken away, as mentioned in John 15. 2. Are they taken away from the Vine? Do they illustrate those who are true believers in C…
IN 1 CORINTHIANS 10. 21 we have the plain statement that ‘Ye cannot partake of the Lord’s table, and the table of demons’. It does not say ‘Ye may not’, or ‘Ye should not’, but ‘Ye cannot’: it is an i…

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