Author –

Brian T. Davies
Articles by this Author
Introduction‘My heart standeth in awe of thy word’. ‘l rejoice at thy word’, Psa. 119. 166, 2 The word ‘awe’, pachad, in these lines has been variously translated in modern versions. One uses the word…
In his first letter to the Corinthian converts Paul has much reason to complain of their conduct, accusing them of being carnal and contentious, and of some thinking themselves a cut above others, Phi…
‘Not as the world gives, give I unto you’, (the Lord) John 14. 27.‘Which passeth all understanding’, (Paul) Phil. 4. 7. THESE ARE REMARKABLE STATEMENTS worth enquiring into, for they speak of a peace …
This is a gem of a book; a jewel in the crown of the Jews. It is a book of many facets and like a well-cut diamond it sparkles from whatever angle it is viewed. Is one interested in history; the custo…

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