Author –

Bernard Osborne
Articles by this Author
‘Rabbi’, Nicodemus brcam, though he did not really believe that Jesus was a Rabbi. After all, He held no licence to preach from the high priest. He had not been to the schools. But He was a teacher, s…
Surely they must have misheard him? ‘Expedient for you that I go away’. How could that be? Surely He said ‘Expedient for Me’. That would be intelligible. It might be well for Him to exchange that life…
‘The same is He which bapttsrtm with the Holy Ghost’. The phenomenon of the descending dove identified the Messiah to John the Baptist. It had been a remarkable incident, involving as it did the Trini…
It was the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles. Leviticus chapter 23 refers to it as one of the feasts of Jehovah. They were holy convocations, for their God was holy, vv. 2, 4. They were feasts, for…
In his immortal allegory, “Pilgrim’s Progress”, John Bunyan describes an experience which has befallen many believers. He tells how Christian and Hopeful, after their return from By-Path Meadow, slept…
John Mark was pre-eminently a serving one. Both the first and last mentions of his activities as a Christian portray him as a servant of others. Thus in Acts 13. 5 we read that Barna-bas and Paul, whe…
It is said of the Lord that, ‘he took a child,’ and that He also said, ‘Suffer little children to come unto me’. Clearly, the Lord Jesus loved children and was especially interested in them. He refers…
After the foot and mouth epidemic of 2001 in some parts of the UK where sheep once abounded there existed a strange silence. No bleating. Foot and mouth has taken its dreadful toll. The shepherds had …
In the second half of his gospel, the apostle John seems to delight in hiding his identity under the descriptive phrase “the disciple whom Jesus loved”. Such a description occurs five times and each t…
It is the Monday of the final week of the Lord’s life on earth, and there are two events which occupy Mark’s writing before the Lord retires in the eventide to rest outside the city of Jerusalem. The …
The Wednesday of Passover week would seem to have been spent by our Lord in deep seclusion at Bethany preparing Himself for the awfulness of the coming struggle, and is hidden by a veil of holy silenc…
The Lord has come to the commence-ment of the week of His passion, and He commenced that week with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, “the city of the great King”. What a signifi-cant event it was! W…
This eventide occurs in a chapter which demonstrates the authority of God’s perfect Servant. In the first eleven verses of the chapter the authority of God’s Servant is Declared’, from verse 1 2 to 34…
This passage deals with two related miracles accomplished by the Lord. The first was the feeding of the five thousand. The disciples had just returned from their first missionary journey, tired and ex…
So we come to the last eventide of Mark’s Gospel, an eventide that was to be followed by a glorious tomorrow. Consider the passage as follows: 1. The Characters Present. A comparison with the other Go…
The Lord had toiled all day teaching the multitude who had lined the shore while He sat in the boat. It was now sunset and the multitude would be hastening to their homes for rest and shelter. So the …
How soon autumn comes upon us. To some of us who are older, this rings true of life as we realize that we ourselves are now in the autumn of life. What kind of memories do past autumns hold for us? Fo…
Gal. 5. 22-23 This article is the seventh part of a series of studies on the fruit of the Spirit. Faith is not used here in its theological sense of belief in God. Rather it is fidelity, or trustwort…
This article is the sixth part of a series of studies on the fruit of the Spirit. Gal. 5. 22-23 God is essentially and totally good. ‘O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good’, sang the psalmist, …
‘Good tidings of great joy’. That is how the angel described the message he brought. It concerned the coming into this scene of the Redeemer, or, as the angel continued, ‘a Saviour, which is Christ th…
This article is the fifth part of a series of studies on the fruit of the Spirit.Gal. 5. 22-23 The fruit of the Spirit is … long suffering he next three facets of the fruit of the Spirit are manward: …
Paul’s introduction to his great hymn of love in 1 Corinthians chapter 13 is very searching. Basically it is as follows: 1. ‘If I have not love’- I have nothing. 2. ‘If I have not love’- I am nothing.…
This has been defined by TRENCH and VINE as ‘an inwrought grace of the mind’ (TRENCH - ‘soul’). It is translated ‘gentleness’ by RSV and NEB. It has connotations of goodness and generosity. It is subm…
Gal. 5. 22-23 ‘Peace on earth, goodwill to all men’. That was the message of the angels to the shepherds at Bethlehem. But the coming of Jesus did not bring peace on earth and wars have raged througho…
Gal. 5. 22-23 This article is the final part in this interesting series on the fruit of the Spirit. Temperance, self-control, the noun is found only three times in our New Testament, Acts 24. 25; Gal.…
It has sometimes bern said that the best textbook on the subject of the Holy Spirit is the Gospel of John, with particular reference to chapters 14 to 16. There are other references to His Person and …

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