Author –

Arthur Shearman
Articles by this Author
Prayer is the one activity we express most concern about, and yet at the same time treat most casually. How often we have been confronted with a need and we have said most earnestly, “We will make it …
“And being let go, they went to their own company”, Acts 4. 23. Looking into the context of these words, it is evident that there was relief in the hearts of the apostles as they were “let go”. They h…
The ministry of Amos, the earliest of the written prophets, is both rugged and direct. He communicates with un-compromising sincerity the burden of his heart concerning the Northern Kingdom of Israel.…
Keynote: “Rejoice in the Lord". Salutation and introduction, 1. 1-11 “Until the day of Jesus Christ”. Greetings, 1.1-2. Gratitude, 1. 3-5. Growth, 1.6-11. Christ and my actions, 1. 12-30 “For to me to…
Anxiety and nervous disorders rank among the major problems of this age. If not actual diseases in themselves, they lie at the root of many of the illnesses which are affecting people, young as well a…
From the language of the early verses of 1 Corinthians 3 it is evident that Paul was very disappointed with the spiritual condition of the Corinthian believers. He would have loved to share with them …
The Book of Daniel has a distinctive character which sets it apart among the books of the Old Testament. We learn much about the prophet himself from its contents. Daniel was among the first of Judah …
A HEART OPEN TO HEAVEN The main thrust of the articles contained in this issue is practical. There is an obvious reason. They spring from an exercise concerning the decline in much of assembly life in…
In reading the accounts of the ministry and life of the Lord Jesus, a paradox seems to confront us. As His sufferings ended on the cross, He cried, ‘Finished!’. This sounds final. But the record of Ac…
As the first year of the third millennium comes to its end, many will reflect on whether their expectations have found fulfilment. At the beginning, everything was centred in the Millennium – the Mill…
'… there are certain men crept in unawares … ungodly men … denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ’, Jude 4. It would seem that the only reason that Jude wrote this short letter, was to s…
‘Wherefore remember … that at that time ye were without Christ … having no hope, and without God in the world’, Eph. 2 11-12. WITHOUT HOPE – WITHOUT GOD! How often does the full force of these words, …
We stand on the threshold of the third millennium. 2000 A.D. in the year of our Lord. What are we saying? That about 2000 years have passed since the coming of the Saviour into a world such as ours. W…
Ezekiel was the first of the prophets of the exile. He was carried away from Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, in the first deportation of the nation, about eleven years before the final destruction of the…
Very often as Christians, we use words to describe experiences, without consideration of their full practical meaning. Sadly, this can rob the values of Christian living of their power. One such word …
"Pray without Ceasing”. 1 Thessalonians 5.17. In estimating the value of work done for the Lord, it is possible at limes to overlook the vital importance of prayer. It is good to reflect on the possib…
I do not ask That crowds so throng the gatherings That standing room be at a price! I only ask that as I voice His message They may see Christ. I do not ask For ritual, pomp or pageant, Or music such …
"Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die?” said the Lord. Ezekiel 18.23. As this report goes to press there is much to encourage about it. Behind the stories of blessing, there lies a ba…
"Salute the beloved Persis, which laboured much in the Lord.” Romans 16.12. Some characters find but one mention in scripture, yet this for a particular reason. This beloved Christian lady is remember…
Introduction "They searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so”. Acts 17.11. The reading of the scriptures is a vital and necessary business. Its necessity is the more highlighted beca…
"They went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them”. Mark 16. 20. The beginning of a new year gives opportunity for reflection as we consider the challenge that service for the Lord …
“Always abounding in the work of the Lord”, 1 Cor. 15. 58. It is very encouraging to be able to represent in this report almost every area of the country. The atmosphere of the activities recorded rev…
"Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation”, 2 Cor. 6. 2. This oft-repeated text of Scripture expresses, among other things, the apostles sense of urgency in presenting the…
"Watch and pray.” As this report goes to press, there is much need to listen to the words of the Saviour to His disciples. Many evils, inspired by Satan, complicate the work of the Lord’s servants. Es…
“And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire”, Rev. 20. 15. Every account of the Lord’s work is bound to be varied in content. A wide field of events is cove…
"The signs of the times”, Matt. 16. 3. The context of this phrase is one of con-demnation. Those who were custodians of the truth of God were the objects of such censure. They were seeking signs from …
"Until He find it”, Luke 15.4. These words, taken out of the context of the parable of the lost sheep, speak volumes concerning the patience and persistence of the Shepherd who sought that which was l…
"… that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain”, Phil. 2. 16. Amidst all the intensity of evangelical activity, the desires and deep involvement of t…
Introduction. "Let us rise up and build”, Neh. 2.18; “but their nobles put not their necks to the work”, 3.5. There is an impression created by several of the reports sent in this time that if there w…
Introduction. "Brethren, pray for us”, 1 Thess. 5. 25. “Pray without ceasing”, v. 17. In the following comprehensive report of the Lord’s work, there is much to encourage. The Lord is at work. Consist…
"Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters”, Isa. 32. 20. This report reviews much of the gospel work engaged in during summer months. There is evidence of the tremendous variety of ways in which ever…
"… into all the world”, Mark 16. 15. It is good to reflect often on the universal scope of the Christian message. In the commission of the Risen Lord to the dis-ciples, we are made conscious of the bo…
"Then they that gladly received his word were baptized … and they continued stedfastly”, Acts 2. 41 -42. It is good to remind ourselves at times that evangelism is not an end in itself. It is but a me…
Introduction. "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength”, Isa. 40. 31. In collecting the reports of the Lord’s work at this time of the year, we are conscious that we do not only look b…
"Our God … is able”, Daniel 3. 17. This report has been collected together at a time of national strife and chaos. How impotent the government of the country seems in the face of determined resistance…
"Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled”, Luke 14. 23. The field of human need is very wide. This need in relation to the Gospel of Christ is not …
"God…giveth the increase”, 1 Cor.3.6. “First the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear”, Mark 4. 28. Souls are not easily won for Christ. Satan does not readily yield up his spoils.…
"We do not well; this day is a day of GOOD TIDINGS, and we hold our peace”, 2 Kings 7. 9. In the sovereignty and mercy of our God, the doors of opportunity are wide open in our nation to preach the Go…
"Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters”, Isa. 32. 20. Summer time gives opportunity for widespread open-air activities. Doubt may be felt as to its effectiveness in these days. James Aitken from L…
"There is no difference … for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon Him”. Romans 10.12. It is encouraging to notice in each collection of reports sent in that we get different emphas…
Introduction '… behold now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation’. The content of the report at this time of the year looks back, of necessity, to work done during the summer mont…
Introduction '… the Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophesy?’ Amos 3. 8. Here, in the words of the prophet Amos, we have the compulsion to proclaim, once there is the conviction that the Lord has …
Introduction ’the word of God is not bound’, 2 Tim. 2. 9. The above words were written from prison, in the context of the apostle’s experience of the limitations brought by suffering. Physically and …
Introduction ‘Nevertheless 1 am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed’, 2 Tim. 1. 12. The above words come from the depth of a Roman prison. They are written out of long experience, by a tried…
Introduction ‘But the end of all things is at hand; be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer’, 1 Pet. 4. 7. It is true concerning every generation of Christians, that it is no light matter to be …
Introduction … stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord’, 1 Cor. 15. 58. Looking back over the reports for 1988, there has been so much to praise God for. Different features of t…
‘How shall they hear without a preacher?’ Rom. 10.14. The above question highlights the necessity of communication in evangelism. People do need to hear, for faith comes by hearing, and hearing throug…
Northern Ireland have a report from Jirn Graham, BelfasT, concerning the wurk in various parts. It is good to be reminded oi gospel posters displayed on fourteen of the city of Belfast buses. These co…
‘Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it’, Ps. 127, 1. Much thuught and concern is centred today on the matter of building. We are told that we are experiencing a building ‘…
‘He rejoiced … believing in God with all his house’, Acts 16.34. The conversion of the jailer at Philippi must have been an occasion of great joy for at concerned. Can we imagine the gladness in the h…
‘Joy shall be in heaven .. .’, Luke 15. 7. ‘Rejoice because your names are written in heaven’, Luke 10. 20. How much do affairs on earth touch the movements of heaven? Often we can feel that heaven is…
"Knowing the time, that it is now high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.” Rom. 13. 11. “Toil on and in thy toil rejoice: For toil comes rest, for exile…
"Doing the will of God from the heart”. Eph. 6.6. Reading these news items brings us into contact with the outward evidence of the concerns and exercises of many of God’s faithful servants. It is obvi…
"The Lord working with them”. Mk. 16.20. We are able again to present a full report of varied aspects of the labours of God’s people. Behind the reports there must be many hours of prayer, exercise an…
"When thy son asketh thee …. Thou shalt say” Exodus 13.14. The above sentence highlights the importance that was placed by Israel on teaching children the Word of God. The significance of the great ev…
"The goodness of God leadeth… to repentance”. Rom. 2.4. Each report tells encouragingly of God’s gracious dealings with people through the gospel. Some are saved quickly, almost suddenly, the decision…
"Not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord” Rom. 12.11 As we begin another year in reporting the work of the Lord, the above brief, terse exhortation of Paul’s could come as a chal…
"That I may tell of all Thy wondrous works” Ps.26.7. It is a cause for thanksgiving to the Lord, that we have so many sources of information concerning the Work of the Lord. In this the final report o…
"Where Satan’s seat is”. Rev. 2.13. The context of this phrase is deeply interesting. The Word from the Risen Lord to the Church at Pergamon revealed His knowledge of WHERE their testimony was mainta…
"My word … shall not return unto me void”. Isa 55.11. We are encouraged to receive reports that cover in a comprehensive way the whole of the British Isles. How wonderful to realise that the Word free…
"Your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now”, Phil. 1.5. The gratitude expressed by Paul the apostle as he remembered his association with the believers at Philippi is significant. As …
"Jesus Christ the same…for ever” Heb. 13. 8. Northern Ireland. The gospel continues to be preached in various places all over the North. It is interesting to note how wide an area these reports cover.…
"Behold I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it.” Rev. 3.8. In this short message to the Phila-delphian church, we can see two important features of evangelism. There is divine sov…
"Power belongeth unto God”, Ps. 62.11. To read reports of labours in the gospel is a comparatively easy exercise. The news of things that God is doing can be fascina-ting and also brings out praise to…
All Quotations are taken from the Revised Version Hosea has been called the patriot from Mount Ephraim. The slightest acquaintance with his writing will show the contrast between his prophecy and that…
Once the reason has been firmly established in our minds as to why we are found in local assembly fellowship, we must ascertain what we can contribute to the general growth of the work of God. Whilst …
One of the most striking pictures, painted in words by the writers of the Gospels, is that of the Lord Jesus sitting over against the treasury, watching those who gave of their wealth. This incident t…
In the early days of our Christian experience our ways are greatly influenced by others. These external influences can be so strong that there is the danger of accepting them without having any real p…
There is no more beautiful character in the whole of Scripture than Mary of Bethany. Her simplicity has great charm, her sincerity is beyond question, her silence is most eloquent. Luke’s portrait sho…
In each of the messages of the pro-phets, there is a content of judgment. In some this is more evident than in others. All the prophets denounced faithfully the evils of their times. With these denoun…
"I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold, “I’d rather be His than have riches untold.” These lines from a well known hymn are often sung with great fervour. They express a choice between a Person an…
It is perhaps quite surprising to us, that in a day of increasing evil, when wickedness is practised more openly than ever before, the thought of a Personal Agent behind it all is con-sistently denied…
We have considered in some detail the personality of Satan. We now look at some of the features of his power, outlined for us in the Scriptures. Of one thing we can be completely sure. Satan does not …
The apostle Paul’s STATEMENTS concerning the gospel in Romans 1. 1-4, are distinct in their implications for the message that he preached. They are weighty in their importance and far-reaching in thei…
There were in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ many moving moments. The Gospel records abound with incidents which stir us to the depths of our hearts as the beauty of the character of the Saviour is…
"Blessed is the man whom thou choosest”. The Psalmist expressed his gladness that relationship with His Lord is not a matter of chance but of choice. This fact to him is the cause of true happiness. H…
"Blessed (Happy) are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee",v. 4. This exclamation of the Psalmist comes from a deep sense of longing for the presence of God. He meditates on …
"Blessed (happy) that man that maketh the Lord his trust”, v. 4. This exclamation gives the impression that blessing comes as the outcome of confidence in God. It is a statement that invites inspectio…
Blessed the man! The Psalter begins with an exclamation linking life and happiness together. It does emphasize clearly that happiness is not an ingredient added to life, but a condition which is produ…
The writer of this Psalm thrills with the overflowing happi-ness of forgiveness. Maclaren says concerning its opening verses, “One must have a dull ear not to hear the voice of personal experience in …
So often when we think of blessing and happiness we connect it with receiving. We associate such happiness with circumstances which create a favourable atmosphere in our lives. This has been mainly th…
In previous articles in this section of the magazine, we have dealt with some damaging evils which the young Christian should avoid. It has been argued that the wise course for the believer is to avoi…
The prophets of Israel were significant figures in the history of the nation. Their voices were heard and their work was done as evidence of their involvement in the nation’s affairs. It has been well…
One of the great divisions which exist in human society today is that between poverty and plenty-between those who “have” and those who “have not". We who live in the West have recently been shocked b…
"LOOSE HIM, AND LET HIM GO" JOHN II. 44 The death of Lazarus was an apparent tragedy. We feel the sombre undertones of misunderstanding that the event created in such a home as that of Mary of Betha…

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