Author –

Alan H. Linton
Articles by this Author
CAUSE AND EFFECT by H. M. LlNTON, Bristol From whichever angle the discerning reader approaches this wonderful Epistle, he is confronted with the great thoroughness with which the apostle presents us …
All quotations are from the New King James Version Those of us who live in New Testament times are uniquely blessed, for God has revealed Himself to us in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, John 1. …
IT IS OFTEN SAID that our Christian witness lacks power. Men are not gripped by the Gospel as once they were; rarely do we see anyone broken down under conviction of sin and we are tempted to ask a by…
All quotations are from the New King James Version INTRODUCTIONThe Book of the Judges covers the period of Israel’s history from the death of Joshua to the rise of Samuel, a period of 200 years. As lo…
With this issue we commence a series of short articles dealing with practical problems which arise in the lives of young Christians. We are fortunate in having the help of Dr. A. H. Linton, M.Sc, Ph.D…
The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead is absolutely essential to the Christian Gospel, for, as Paul states: ‘If Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith also i…
As CHRISTIANS WE BELIEVE in divine guidance but many of us are uncertain of the methods by which this guidance is given. In the Scriptures, and particularly in the Old Testament, God communicated His …
ISRAEL‘S PRESENT SITUATION Since 1948, when David Ben Gurion declared Israel to be an independent, sovereign state, the nation has gone from strength to strength. One third of all living Jews have set…
The first study in this series defined theophanies as appearances of God, in the form of a ‘Man’ or an ‘Angel’, to particular persons on earth. Since the Lord Jesus is the only ‘visible’ manifestation…
Outstanding among John’s many ministries as the forerunner of the Saviour was his witness to Christ. ‘This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light…the true Light…’, John 1. 7, 9. We, too,…
John the Baptist’s impact on his generation is truly amazing since he was only about thirty years of age when he was executed. His witness to the person and mission of Christ, which lasted only about …
All quotations are from the New King James Version Introduction Joshua was chosen by God to succeed Moses and to lead the nation of Israel into the promised land. Born a slave in Egypt, he rose to bec…
(All quotations are from the New King James Version) The divine visitation to Moses, described in Exodus 3, ranks among the greatest of the theophanies of Scripture. Moses’ life may be considered in t…
AT FIRST SIGHT IT MIGHT APPEAR that there is more foundation for accepting the Old Testament as divinely inspired than the New. The Old Testament is accredited by the witness of the Lord Jesus Christ;…
From John’s witness to Jesus we turn to consider Jesus’ witness to John. The Lord Jesus was always warm in His appreciation of any service rendered to Him but sparing in His eulogies. John, however, w…
All quotations are from the New King James Version. INTRODUCTION Israel was, yet again, in spiritual decline; Eli was High Priest, his sons were corrupt and the ‘lamp of God had almost gone out’, 1 Sa…
Various points of view have been taught during recent days suggesting that we shall not know each other in heaven. For instance, some teach that Galatians 3. 28 suggests that in Christ we lose our ind…
Of the greatness of John the Baptist there is no question. The Lord Himself, who was always sparing in His eulogies, said of John, ‘Among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John …
All quotations are from the King James Version Over recent years, outstanding events have indicated that God’s prophetic programme for the end time is imminent. Most significant was the proclamation o…
(Genesis 25. 28-34; Hebrews 12. 16-17) To the Israelite the nature of the birthright was well understood and no explanation is therefore given in the immediate text, but a wider reading of Scripture r…
THE miraculous element in the New Testament often proves a difficulty to the reception of the Gospel by many young people whom we seek to reach. What do the Scriptures teach about the miracles and why…
Book Reviews by this Author
THE WORD ‘BIRTH’ conveys the thought of a beginning, the bringing into being of a personality not having had previous existence, whilst the word ‘firstborn’ indicates the order of birth – the first-to…
By Professor Alan Linton. 128pp, paperback. £5.75. Published by Christian Year Publications, available from John Ritchie Ltd., 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock, KA3 1RH, and Gospel Folio Press, 304 Killaly St…

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