Author –

A. Naismith
Articles by this Author
In Old Testament days, the people of Israel were divided into three cate-gories – worshippers, workers and war-riors. The priests were set apart for the worship of Jehovah, the Levites for the service…
Isaiah did not have any doubts about his call and commission He could pinpoint the time when, the place where, and the manner how he was called. It happened in 758 B.C.. “the year that king Uzziah die…
When Paul, Silas and Timothy left Philippe it seems that Luke remained in the “colony”, probably to instruct its heavenly citizens and build up the young church (for the “we" section of the narrative …
While the Greek words evangelion and evangelizo (never translated “evangel" and “evangelize") are of frequent occurrence in the New Testament, the personal noun “evangelist" both in the Greek and in t…
It has been truly said that “the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church”, and it is therefore fitting that the case of Stephen, the first Christian martyr, should be considered carefully. Many…
The persecution that followed Stephen’s martyrdom began a new stage in the progress of the early Christian Church, leading to the expansion of evangelistic testimony to Asia Minor and Europe. Acts 13 …
When Paul and Barnabas returned to Antioch after preaching the Word in Cyprus and Asia Minor, they rehearsed in the assembly there how God had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles. Their report do…
In the eleventh century B.C., about the time when the prophet Samuel judged Israel and Saul reigned as anointed king, colonists from Athens founded the city of Ephesus in Asia Minor. Its strategic and…
Paul’s warning to the Ephesian elders when he addressed them at Miletus, Acts 20, proved extremely timely and opportune. Writing years later to Timothy who was then at Ephesus, the apostle instructed …
A programme is in itself an indication of progress. The writer can recall the general amusement in a company of boys and girls when one of our sons, then seven or eight years of age and self-appointed…
The church, the body of Christ, Eph. 1. 23, is not an aggregate of local churches, but is composed of individual believers whom God has taken out from among the nations as a people for His name. This …
On his second itinerary Paul, separated from Barnabas because of the dissension between them regarding John Mark, had as his companion Silvanus, a name frequently abbreviated as Silas. Together they v…

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