When Thy Son Asketh Thee – Second Reprint

Many readers may remember the series of articles written by Mr. J. H. Large entitled ‘When thy son asketh thee’ and published in Precious Seed in 1959 and 1960. The articles dealt with problems and questions that perplex young believers today concerning the obvious differences between the practice of their own local assemblies and that of other Christian communities. These articles have already been reprinted in booklet form for wider dissemination, and since the first reprint was rapidly sold out, a second printing of the booklet has now been arranged by Mr. A. S. Barker, 34 Creffield Road, Colchester, Essex, from whom copies may be obtained at 1s. 6d. each, or 16s. per dozen, post free. The Committee welcome this further distribu-tion of what they believe to be an important exposition of truth, and the attention of elder brethren is drawn to this re-issue.

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