
The Lord’s use of the pronoun “I” in the Gospel by John has been the subject of many a profitable study. His use of the plural “We” is also deeply significant and instructive.

“We will come unto him, and make Our abode with him” (chap. 14. 23). These words assume the Deity of the Speaker; no mere man could speak of himself and God as “we.”

“We know what we worship” (chap. 4. 22). In this verse, “we” means “we Jews.” The Speaker is a Man, linked with other men and associating Himself with them, not only in the matter of nationality, but also - more wonderful still - in the matter of their worship of God. If chap. 14. 23 implies very Deity, chap. 4. 22 involves the assertion of equally real Manhood.

“We speak that we know, and testify that we have seen” (chap. 3. 11). Here, “we” means “we witnesses.” The Lord is associating Himself with all those in every age who have borne or shall yet bear testimony for God to a disbelieving world. The servant of God, striving to make known the truth which he knows and prizes, and yet finding men indifferent and incredulous, may take comfort from the knowledge that his Master has passed through that experience too, and identifies Himself with His faithful but not always successful servants — “We speak… and ye receive not our witness.”


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