Travelling On My Knees – 2 Corinthians 1.11.

Last night I took a journey
To a land across the seas.
I didn’t go by ship or plane -
I travelled on my knees.

I saw so many people there
In bondage to their sin,
And Jesus told me I should go,
Some of these souls to win.

But I said, ‘Lord, I cannot go
To lands across the seas’.
He answered quickly, “Yes you can,
By travelling on your knees".

He said, ‘You pray; I’ll meet the need.
You call, and I will hear.
It’s up to you to be concerned
For lost souls far and near’.

And so I did. I knelt in prayer,
Gave up some hours of ease,
And with the Saviour by my side,
I travelled on my knees.

And as I prayed, I saw souls saved
And twisted natures healed,
I saw God’s workers’ strength renewed
While labouring in the field.

I said, ‘Yes, Lord, I’ll take the job.
For You I want to please.
I’ve heard Your call and I will go
By travelling on my knees’.


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