Thoughts on Obedience

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He that hath My commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me ; and he that loveth Me shall be loved of My Father, and We will come unto him, and make Our abide with him.” John 14. 21. One word of caution here. If we would obey His commands, and realize His presence, let us make conscience of whatever He has commanded, however minute it may appear, or even if we cannot see the reason for it. God, as Creator, has to do with things of the greatest magnitude, and the smallest minuteness ; how extensive is His charge, how particular His care; so, in His revelation, how sublime arc His doctrines, how minute His precepts ; how extensive their range, how varied their application. Little things are often the test of obedience, and the neglect of these sometimes leads to open rebellion. Observe, then, all that God commanded, Jesus did ; to see the impress of His Father’s will on any thing, was enough for Him, whether that will was for Him to conquer devils, or obey His mother ; to redeem sinners, or take an infant in His arms. I-et us learn of Him who was thus meek and lowly; and, however humble our sphere, we shall neither lack opportunity nor disposition to glorify God.

Pride wishes for a lofty stage on which to honour God, but humility is content with the lowliest vale. The variety and particu-larity of God’s precepts are not arbitrary appointments, but gracious commands ; here is not the Sovereign merely, but the Father also. As all the rites of the ceremonial law, however burdensome, were significant, so all the precepts of God’s word are wise and holy. God only forbids what is evil, and commands what is good ; and thus consults our best and eternal interests. “ Then “ says one who loved God’s precepts, “ then shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect unto all Thy commandments.”

In the light of the Cross, sin appears loathsome indeed, whilst by it the world becomes crucified to us, and we to the world. How light is Jesus’ yoke, and how easy His burden, when His sacrifice is embraced ; how beautiful do all His precepts and ordinances appear, when studied in the light of His dying love; whilst His Cross is in the place of a thousand arguments, we should obey and do them. It is impossible while gazing on His agonies to disbelieve the testimony, “ ye are not your own “; and, “ ye are bought with a price," contains a thousand motives to glorify God, with body, soul, and spirit, which are His.

How perfect should that peace be which flows from such a sacrifice ; how lively that obedience which grows from such a root: surely there should be some agreement between these.

Thus, with our backs turned on sin, the world under our feet, Christ in our hearts, glory in our eye, and God on our side, let us press toward the mark. The day of our deliverance, the day of our account is near; let us live to God, by living for the Church, for souls, for eternity.

Extracted from “ Our Great High Priest “


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