The Dwelling-Place of God

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‘Rabbi, where dwellest Thou’ He saith, ‘Come and see’, John 1. 38, 39.
1 Tim. 6. 16 Light inaccessible to man, the Dwelling-Place of God;
Before the worlds were made, in love eternal was the Word With God the Father, Spirit too, in co-equality. The only True, Invisible, Immortal God is He, Beyond the grasp of finite minds this sublime mystery!
rev. 4
Creator of the universe whose Name to man was given,
The great ‘I am’, Jehovah, Mighty God of earth and heaven,
Who dwells enthroned above on high! And yet in holy awe The living creatures speak their praise by day and night before Their holy Lord, who lives, who was, and shall be evermore.
prov. 8. 22-31 Eternal Son who in the Father’s Bosom ever dwells,
The Father’s Heart with pure delight incessantly He fills! The Triune God in counsel chambers e’re the world began Appointed Him, the Unique Son, as Centre of God’s plan To re-create, redeem, to raise His fallen creature man.
JOHN 1. 14 How glorious the out-working of His wisdom, love and grace,
When God’s own Son, Incarnate, takes that low, yet chosen place (E'en lower than all angels!) in the world that He designed!
Prepared by God a Body now His Dwelling-Place we find;
Immanuel, God seen and heard, The Saviour of mankind.
EPH. 2. 21, 22 In Christ, True God yet truly Man, all grace and truth we see!
His virgin birth, His life of love and death upon the tree Fulfil the plan of God whereby He saves in righteousness,
Redeems and forms a glorious Church His Spirit to possess;
‘Tis God’s eternal Dwelling-Place adorned with holiness!
1 cor. 6. 19
O how canst Thou, the Holy One, now make a Dwelling-Place In my poor heart once full of sin, a stranger to Thy grace;
Omnipotent, All-Glorious, find there an habitation?
The answer is – the cross, the blood, the Spirit’s new creation, Which ever move my heart to bow in humble adoration.

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