Reports of Gospel Work

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Twelve months ago we wrote “Summer gospel work is now in full swing,” It seems hardly possible that that summer has come and gone, and that another has arrived. How the months slip past! Perhaps, before long, “the summer will end” (or all our gospel opportunity, so we should be “redeeming the time” (Eph. 5. 16) or “making the most of every opportunity” as one translation has it.

In their assembly magazine. The Record, our Victoria Hall (Wandsworth) friends ask their readers to support the gospel testimony by their prayers, proposals and presence. We make the same appeal (in behalf of every gospel witness, and where these conditions obtain there will be no need to extend the alliteration into an appeal for pounds – or pence!


(London and the Counties of Middlesex, Hertford, E33OXj Kent, Sussex and Surrey). Stanley H. Sayers, 33 Crieff Road, Wandsworth, S.W. 18.


(Wilts., Gloucester, Oxford, Bucks., Berks., Hampshire and the Isle of Wight). A. C. Payne, 39 Solent Road, Drayton, Portsmouth.


(Cornwall, Devon,. Somerset, Dorset and the Channel Islands). G. H, Maxwell, “Leigh Beck,” 6 Birchy Barton Hill, Exeter


(Cheshire, Derby, Notts., Shropshire, Stafford, Leicester, Rutland, Hereford, Worcester, Warwick and Northampton), Pearson P. Chamings, 3 Birch Road, Rubery, Nr. Birmingham


(Lincoln, Norfolk. Suffolk, Cambridge, Bedford and Hunts) T. G. Smith, “Charis,” St. David’s Drive, Broxbourne, Herts.


(Lancashire, Westmorland, Cumberland, Northumberland, Durham, Yorkshire and Isle of Man). J. Howard Hall, 12 Borough Road, Jarrow-on-Tyne, Co. Durham.


(The Counties of Inverness and Aberdeen, and the Areas north of them). A. Mulholland, 6 Commerce Road, Elgin.


(All Areas south of the Counties of Inverness and Aberdeen). Andrew McNeish, M.A., “Eastcraig,” 9 Jerviston Street, Motherwell.


Walter A. Norris, 3 Morlais Street, Cardiff, or Harold Thomas, 2G9 Caerphilly Road, Cardiff.


David Craig, “Ailsa,” Fisherwick Gardens, Ballymena, Co. Antrim.


T. Ernest J. Archer, “Dunran,” Avoca Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.


In an effort to reach the unsaved in their neighbourhood, the assembly at Flaxman Road, Loughboro, London, have for some months been holding open-air meetings in the vicinity of their Hall every Sunday evening before the gospel service. The young men and women are carrying on this work, and while the meetings art in progress the elder brethren and sisters meet for prayer. These combined efforts have proved a great blessing to the assembly, and doubtless many passers-by have heard the truths of the gospel.

The assembly meeting at Berrymeads PLANNED Gospel Hall, Avenue Rd., Acton, BIBLE-TEACHING London, have for the past three or

four years adopted planned Bible-teach ing at their weekly ministry meetings. The elders prayerfully select the subjects to be ministered on, and each member of the assembly is supplied with a list of subjects. It has been found that this method has awakened a keener and more intelligent interest.


The following is an extract from the 1949 Annual Report of the Counties Evangelistic Work (Surbiton, Surrey). “The blessing of the Lord has been upon the making known of the gospel during (he 1949 season of caravan and tent work in a large number of our homeland villages and rural towns. Prayer, praise and power have accompanied the message. Our hearts are glad, uniting in thankfulness to God for each token of His goodness and for every one who has been brought to know the Lord Jesus as his (or her) own personal Saviour.”


For the first time for many years a Gospel Tent and Caravan are operating in the Isle of Wight. The work in this part of the country is not easy, and assemblies are few. 1'rayer will be valued for this new venture. A. K. Philip and B, N. Johnson are the evangelists and the first pitch is to be near Newport, the capital of the Island. It is anticipated, that, in the will of the Lord, the; tent and caravan will be retained in the Island for use every summer.

The present Gospel Hall in West Cowes is attached to a Guest House, and it has been felt for some time that a removal to another Hall would be advantageous. The way has been opened for the purchase; of a war-damaged Methodist Chapel in East Cowes. It is hoped that the repairs will be completed in time for the new work to be commenced in the late summer.

The Boys’ Covenanter Class has given cause for much praise over the past few months, six boys having professed to receive the Saviour.

Prayer will be valued for work among the lads at the Borstal Institution between Newport and Cowes. Opportunity has been afforded one or two brethren to visit the Institution regularly. Seven lads have recently professed to receive Christ.


Handel Evans (Swansea) has visited assemblies in Dorset. At Dorchester, during two weeks’ campaign, there was much encouragement as unsaved gathered each evening to hear the gospel sung and faithfully preached. A young K.C. soldier was led to the Lord. At S her borne and ever shot, the Scriptures were ministered to believers. Then followed a series of gospel meetings at Wareham, where, as the gospel was proclaimed in word and song, the believers were encouraged and many unsaved heard the way of Salvation.


A ready response was forthcoming from the assemblies of Mid-Somerset when the suggestion was made of commencing open-air work in the villages of the district. Brethren who formerly undertook a similar work are now actively assisting the younger generation by way of offering advice and taking a personal prayerful interest in the new venture. Since tile beginning of May and under the name “Mid-Somerset Evangelistic Team,” brethren from Shepton Mallet, Castle Gary, Glastonbury, Edington, Martock, Langport and Somerton have been going each Monday evening to a village selected from a list drawn up before the work began. During the week preceding the visit, posters announcing the time, and place of the meeting are exhibited. Before the meeting is held, each house is visited and a Tract left, thus affording opportunities for a personal word.


In connexion with the Annual Fellowship Meetings at Bow (Devon) an open-air service was held in the village, Immediately after tea about 35 brethren and sisters assembled. Four well-known hymns were sung, and seven brief messages given, within the space of 45 minutes. The friends at Bow plan to continue this open-air testimony in the neighbouring villages.


C. W. Hickley sends an encouraging report of work among children at Sutton-in-Ashfield (Notts.). The hired room was not large enough to hold all who wished to attend, and early in January the workers wore given notice to quit. It seemed impossible to find any other accommodation but, before it was necessary to leave the small room, a larger one was provided fit the same rent. There is now room for all, and as many as 100 children have been present during recent weeks.


A special effort among the young is in progress at Hebron Hall, Harton, South Shields, and is giving very great cheer to the brethren there. About 250 children have bean coming1 to the meetings each evening and, in order to accommodate them more comfortably, two meetings have been held. The ground had been prepared beforehand and was ready for D. McKenzie Miller when he arrived to conduct the campaign. Flannel graphs have been used each evening and the interest created has been well sustained. The work of the Spirit appears to have become effective in some young hearts and, although the question of “decision J” has not been, pressed, when an invitation was given to indicate the desire to be saved, about 20 of the children went into an improvised inquiry room. After careful investigation it appears that some are soundly converted.

Another item of cheer for this assembly is that following upon the exercise of two brethren to gain au entrance with the gospel into the Cottage Homes for orphan children at C lend on, the door has been opened in a remarkable way and already gospel messages have been given to many of the children. The Superintendent has been exceptionally kind and is keen for the children to have spiritual instruction.


The assembly at Deri, near Bargoed, saw a number of strangers in the Mall during a series of meetings conducted by Handel Evans. The Word ministered exercised hearts. Members of the four assemblies in the Rhondda. Valley were blessed and stirred during meetings conducted by Stan Kenyon and Hugh Ardell (Canada). The meetings were primarily for children, but interest among adults was so marked that it was decided to continue for a further fortnight. The work was backed with much, prayer, and four adults indicated their desire to put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. In addition one young man, aged 21 years, was led to the Lord on the mountain-side and afterwards gave his testimony during tie meetings. Three people obeyed the Lord in baptism. L. H. Tranter saw interest and appreciation of the Word during a series of meetings at Ebenezer Hall, Merthyr Tydfil. Believers gathered each evening for prayer before meetings conducted at Risca by W. A. Norris. The Lord gave help and a sense of His presence. Some strangers who attended had come several miles. The Cardiff Home Workers’ Conference was held in May at Ebenezer Hall, Cardiff. Although the weather was very warm, good numbers came to have fellowship with our brethren who are carrying the gospel to various parts of this privileged but very needy land. The Word of God was ministered very acceptably by A. Fallaize (late of Morocco) and reports were given by V. Cirel, T. G. Moore, G. K. Lowther, who stressed the need of the almost neglected county of Lincolnshire, and W. F. Baigent representing the London Mobile Unit. We trust that the result of the meetings will be a quickening of practical interest in the work of God in the British Isles.


Last year a new work was started in connexion with some of the assemblies in Eire under the name of “Boys’ Evangelical Gamps.” A number of camps have been held which have been very successful, and quite a number of boys have professed to receive the Lord Jesus. A camp is now being arranged for girls near Dublin and it is hoped that this will develop also. M. Knowles (late of Palestine) is conducting special meetings in Limerick, using a model of the Tabernacle.


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