Question: How far are we justified in speaking of God as Father when preaching the gospel?


In view of the Lord’s references to the Father in His talks with various classes of people, how far are we justified in speaking of God as Father when preaching the gospel?


The word “Father” indicates the relationship of the First Person of the Godhead either to His Son or to His people. The term “Father” in the Old Testament relates to God the Creator. Whenever the Lord Jesus used that word He was careful to make plain to whom God was Father. The pronoun “My” and the pronouns “Our” and “ Your” when preceding this word “Father” will be found to relate respectively to Himself and to His disciples, never to unbelievers. Care should always be taken not to create in the minds of unbelievers the idea that God stands in a relationship to them which is only true of them that believe (John 1. 12).


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