Mission on a Bombed Site


Extensive damage to their halls by bombing has not prevented Exeter Assemblies from engaging in aggressive Gospel work. They united to conduct a Tent Mission on the site of the blitzed hall in Fore Street. The Evangelists were Messrs. Reuben Scammell and Phil. Mills. The meetings were well attended and there were several definite cases of conversion. Christians were greatly refreshed and blessed. A feature of the mission was a special Youth Rally when leaders of the Air Training Corps, the Boys’ Brigade and several other youth organisations paraded the young people and marched them to the tent. Leaders of the many Women’s Meetings in the City also gathered their members. The Farewell Meeting of the Mission was held in the Mint Chapel which was packed with people. The campaign cost several hundreds of pounds, but the Lord graciously supplied the need without a single appeal being made during the meetings.


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