I’m Justified

I'm Justified

God’s sovereign grace selected me

To have in heaven a place;

‘Twas the good pleasure of His will

I’m justified by grace.

In due time Christ on Calvary died;

Flowed that crimson flood

Which makes the foulest white as snow;

I’m justified by blood.

God raised Him up; this is the pledge,

Should evil doubtings low’r,

His resurrection quells each fear;

I’m justified by power.

The Holy Spirit guided me

To what the scripture saith;

I grasped the truth; Christ died for me!

I’m justified by faith.

Now if you doubt that I am Christ’s

If one suspicion lurks,

I’ll show by deed that I am His,

I’m justified by works.

I praise the Lord, ‘tis all of Him,

The grace, the faith, the blood,

The resurrection power, the works,

I’m justified by God.

Extracted from Choice Hymns of the Faith.

This hymn written by Helen H. Shaw


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