Gospel Work and other Assembly Activities – September-October 1976


In the early days of the assembly in Backbarrow, Ulverston, believers were baptized in the local river, it being convenient as one of the elder brethren lived in a house adjoining the river bank. In later years use was made of the facilities of other assemblies in the area, but some twelve months ago the believers constructed their own baptistry in their own hall.

This was used for the first time in June, when three young believers desired to obey their Lord in the way He commanded. They were joined by two others from assemblies elsewhere, and the hall was filled to capacity with many unsaved present. The baptismal service became a talking point in the village, the believers becoming known as ‘the dippers’, and some have asked when the next service of this nature will be held.

South-West England

At Saltash work has commenced on the rebuilding of the Gospel Hall. When completed the main hall will be both wider and longer with additional rooms which will greatly increase the ability of the assembly to extend their work in the area. A young couple, converted Roman Catholics, have been baptized in the river, just a week after their marriage.

J. Hadley was responsible for preaching in the tent erected at Liskeard for three weeks in June. One believer, well-known in the area, asked for baptism; two others were also baptized in the river. A small Sunday School has commenced in a home.

South Wales

The little assembly at Gorseinon, near Swansea, appreciated the assistance of J. Baker in a special effort to contact the folk living in the vicinity of the hall. The West Wales Mobile Unit was also used to make the meetings known and many tracts were distributed during the local carnival. J. Baker visited from door to door and made many contacts.

N. Mellish and D. Richards held a Gospel effort in a tent in another area near Gorseinon, this being organized by the little assembly of believers meeting at Jehovah Jireh Hall, Lougher.

Most encouraging reports were given at the annual meeting of the West Wales Mobile Unit at Swansea. In these days when so few are interested enough to attend Gospel Meetings, it was good to hear of those being reached through the witness of the workers.

Southern Scotland

The Ayr Bible Readings in May were conducted by A. Leckie, the subject being 1 Thessalonians. The readings were held in the Gospel Hall, the time being changed to 4 p.m. with great success, numbers being better than ever. The help of the Lord was greatly evident, brethren contributed in a helpful way and a sense of blessing was enjoyed throughout.

The evening sessions for ministry were held in a local church, kindly loaned for the occasion. Numbers were encouraging and helpful ministry in the Gospel of Matthew was given by E. W. Rogers, A. Leckie and G. B. Fyfe.

The tent effort at Mossblown, Ayrshire, was interrupted by the tent being burnt down during the second last week of the meetings. These were then continued in the church hall, and there was not one night during the mission when unsaved souls were not present. One young woman was saved, R. Jordan being the evangelist.

The Lanarkshire portable hall was erected in Moodiesburn at the request of the believers at Muirhead, R. McPheat being responsible. The attendance during the five weeks of meetings was remarkable, the evangelist stating that he had never before conducted meetings where there had been such a response from the unsaved. There were results both in the salvation of the lost and in the restoration of believers. Help was given by neighbouring assemblies at the prayer meetings and in the open air testimonies.

The evident burden of the Muirhead assembly for this large housing estate a few miles away where there is no testimony was to be admired and needs to be emulated. Is there an area in your district where the Gospel is unknown? If so, what are you doing to rectify the position?

The assembly at Lockerbie has maintained a work among the young folk at Lochmaben, which is between the former town and Dumfries, for a few years past. D. Locke held some meetings for children there during June followed by gatherings for adults.

J. Aitken has been working in fellowship with the assemblies in upperward of Lanarkshire in open air and personal work. The good weather tended to bring folk to their doors to listen and many thus heard the message of salvation. Many doors were opened to receive the evangelist who now has a mailing list of over one hundred. To those on the list our brother sends a letter each month and a simple Bible lesson. Results are already being seen from these efforts, thus evidencing that there are still ears open to the Gospel if search is made for them.


The London Mobile Units joined together in June for another witness in Trafalgar Square. It was a day of almost continuous rain, and consequently the crowds only numbered a score or so at any given time and it was not possible to erect the usual book-stall. Nevertheless people did stand and listen, including a number of young folk and a party of Germans. Throughout the evening a fair amount of Gospel literature was given away.


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