Forgive me Lord, for I have lied

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I knelt in prayer when day was done,
And prayed, ‘Oh God bless everyone,
Lift from their heart the loads of pain,
And may the sick get well again’.
I slept and then another day,
And carelessly I went my way.

The whole day long I did not try
To wipe a tear from any eye.
Nor did I try to ease the load
Of any sufferer on the road.
I did not even go to see
The sick man, right next door to me.

Then once again when day was done,
I prayed, Oh God bless everyone …’
But as I prayed, unto my ear
There came a voice that whispered clear,
‘Stop, hypocrite! Before you pray,
Who did you try to bless today?’

‘God’s choicest blessings always go,
To those who serve Him here below.’
Ashamed I hid my face and cried,
‘Forgive me Lord, for I have lied.
Let me but live another day,
And I will live the way I pray!’


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