False Teachers Active

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What are we doing?

Determined efforts are being made to spread, in our towns and villages, false teaching which involves a denial of the fundamental doctrines of the Christian Faith.

The most active among these propagandists are the misnamed “Jehovah’s Witnesses,” whose persistent and highly-organized activities cannot be ignored by those who care for the gospel. Their false teaching is so subtly presented that many uninstructed Christians are in danger of being unsettled and the unsaved deceived.

We may be thankful if, believers with whom we are more particularly associated are sufficiently well versed in the teaching of Scripture as to the Person and Work of Christ, to be able to detect find avoid these errors. Even if we have realized our duty to make sure, of this, we have a responsibility also to others around us who have for years been deprived of sound teaching. When modernism has invaded many churches we cannot be surprised if these false teachings find fertile soil.

In our Sept. / Oct. issue we reproduced the front page of a little pamphlet which had been designed with a view to widespread distribution with the object of forestalling and counteracting the influence of false doctrines, in a positive and constructive way.

So many applications for these leaflets reached us that two issues were quickly exhausted. With the applications came scores of letters testifying to the activities of these false teachers, not only in all parts of this country but in many other countries of the world, and even in remote islands.

The demand for those leaflets continues, and Messrs. John Ritchie, Ltd., Kilmarnock, realising the need of some such measure, are printing a large issue so as to make them available at the low price of 1/- per 100, plus 3d. postage. Supplies may be obtained either from the Printers or from J. H. Large, 2 Ashleigh Road, Barnstaple, Devon.

Don’t wait until this false doctrine circulate in your district; forestall it.


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