Editorial – ‘For he himself knew what he would do’, John 6. 6.

This statement is made in the account of the feeding of the multitude. It follows a question asked of Philip by the Lord himself. ‘Whence shall we buy bread that these may eat?’ v. 5. We are also given the reason for the question in the next verse, ‘to prove him’. This was a test for Philip as to what his response would be. In our individual circumstances of life, we are tested as to our faith.

In the Epistle of James we are given instruction as to what we should do in times of testing. James tells us, ‘My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations’.1 It is important to see that he does not say ‘if’ but ‘when’ the test or trial comes. This is not a temptation to sin. It is a test of our faith, not to see if it is genuine but to prove that it is. Tests of our faith come in many different ways; the word ‘divers’, 1.2, is the same word that is used by Matthew regarding ‘divers diseases’2 to describe the many different types. Tests come in many different ways and at different times and we are told to ‘count it all joy’, a circumstance to rejoice in. The reason for the rejoicing is that ‘the trying of your faith worketh patience’, v. 3. The word ‘patience’ has the idea of endurance or staying power.

To go back to Philip again, and the question which the Lord asked of him at the feeding of the multitude, we can see that it was asked to prove his faith and, although his faith was small, it was a lesson which stood him in good stead for the future. The main lesson is that, speaking of the Lord, we are told, ‘for he himself knew what he would do’. In the everyday circumstances of life, when, often, we do not know what to do, let us take heart from this test given to Philip, that we can take the trial or test to the One of whom it is said ‘For he himself knew what he would do’.

As you will see, November 2015 forms the 70th anniversary edition of the magazine. As well as material from the archive (here: http://www.preciousseed.org/search.cfm), each trustee has written a meditation of their own. As we give thanks to God for His continued help in the work, we trust that the articles will prove a blessing to many. In 2016 we hope to introduce some new centre page material, some sketches of assembly work overseas, and changes to our Reports Section.



James 1. 2


Matt. 4. 24.


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