Children’s Pages


Tom and Betty were sitting at the table with Mother and Father, and had just finished dinner when Mother said, “Now I want you to come straight home from school this afternoon, as Auntie Mary is coming to tea,” “Hurrah, 1 love Aunt Mary,” said Betty, but Tom did not seem quite so pleased, for he jumped up from the table and made a nasty face behind his Father’s back. But Father had turned round very quickly and had seen poor Tom’s face. “Now what was that queer face for?” said Father: “I am sure you will be pleased when you see Aunt Mary, and I know she will be proud of her big nephew. Now then, oft you go to school, and don’t be late home to tea” said Mother, as they slid down over the bannisters.

The afternoon passed slowly, but at last lessons are over for the day, and Betty picks up her bag and runs down the road as fast as she can go–to see Aunt Mary. But for Tom, lessons have not gone well; instead of paying attention to his sums he has been thinking about the game of football he wanted to play after tea. Of course, all his answers were wrong, so he was told to stay in after school until he could get them right. When he did gel out he found it was tea-time already, and he thought of what Mother had said. “Oh bother, I’m not going home now,” said Tom, and off he went to play football. When he did go home it was getting dark, but he could see Mother’s face at the window, and there was Father standing by the front door. I’ll leave you to guess what happened, but I will say that Tom did not like it a bit!

Next morning, when Tom came down to breakfast, Betty was playing with a lovely new doll that Aunt Mary had given her. “What did Aunt Mary bring for me?” asked Tom. “A lovely new football," said Mother, “but of course as you were not here she look it away again.”

“Oh dear!” said Tom, with tears running down his cheeks, “I do wish I had done what Mother and Father told me.”


Now turn again to Exodus 20, and see if you can decide which commandment Tom had broken.

Answer: “Honour thy father and thy mother.” Ex. 20. 12.



There was a good response to this competition, especially from those under twelve years. Some of the fourteen entries did not give quite what was asked fur; always follow the instructions carefully. The Senior Prize has been given to Aileen Hodge (Aylesbury, 12½ years) for her story of “A Wise Wan”; other good entries were those of Beryl Morgan (13½ years; “An Angel”) and Lilian Jones (15 years; “A Shepherd").

The Junior Prize was won by Rosalind Chamings, (Rubery; 11½ years; “The Innkeeper’s Wife”). Two good stones of “A Shepherd” were sent by Jean Hughes (11) and Paul Wraight (6).


In the Old Testament, God is often spoken of as if He possessed, or as revealing Himself in human form. In the chapters given below, see how many parts of the human body you can find attributed to God. Make a list of these as neatly as possible, giving the exact verse in which each is mentioned (some ire mentioned more than once), and writing out that part of the verse which describes God in that way.

Of course, God Himself is not really like that, but only speaks of Himself or shows Himself in that way to help us to understand Him; so the last two references are for verses which remind us of that: see if you can find them, and add them to your list. Then send your answer to Mr. T.). Lawson, 148, Greenway Road, Taunton, Somerset, by February 8th, 1950. Prizes will be given for the best answers from those under and over twelve – so give your age, as well as your name and address. Here are the chapters: Genesis 3; Exodus 15, 24, 31, 33; II Chronicles 16; Psalm 91; Isaiah 30, 38, 49, 58, 59; John 1, 4. (Some of them contain more than one answer).


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