Children’s Page


Those words appeared on a board near a bridge in Suffolk. What useful things bridges are! In fact in this country we could not go any distance in one direction if there were no bridges to carry the road over rivers, or canals, or railways.

Is it safe? That is the first question we put to ourselves if we have any doubt about the strength of a bridge we wish to cross. Now, the Bible says that it brings us the knowledge of God and of the next life. It is like a bridge from this world to the next. Is it safe? That is, is it reliable, is it true? All those who love God say that it is. The book has convinced the best people in the world, age after age, and all over the world, that it comes from God. There is no doubt that it is quite trustworthy, and it has never needed any repairs, because God made it. You may fully trust it.

And the Bible tells us, at first hand, about the Lord Jesus. It tells us how He built that great bridge by which we can cross from the shore of danger and distance from God to the shore of forgiveness and nearness to Him. I mean, of course, the great work of Jesus on Calvary, when He put away our sins by dying for us sinners. Have you used that bridge? Have you made use of that way back to God which He has provided? It is perfectly safe. Millions have proved that it is trustworthy.

Yes, the great bridge which Jesus built when on the cross is perfect. Nothing can be added to it to make it more reliable. It is finished and it never needs any repairs. But to reach the forgiveness of our sins we must cross that bridge, to know that it is trustworthy, to admire it, to see others crossing it, will not do. You must cross it yourself, that is, you must trust the Lord Jesus and His finished work on Calvary for sinners such as you.


It was interesting to notice this time that no two chose the same Bible character, and the reasons given were sometimes very ingenious. I suppose James White would not be the only boy who would want to ask Jonah whether the whale went fast, nor Julia Cutland the only girl who would like to meet Mary the mother of Jesus. Julia’s entry deserves special mention, and the prize is awarded to Lillian Guichard for a very good answer on John.

K. K. P.


There are many stories of families in the Bible, and quite a number are in the book of Genesis. Some of these stories are used in the New Testament to show how God chose men to be His servants, and I think you would enjoy hunting through Genesis for as many cases as you can find where a father had two sons, one of whom was rejected by God. Write down the names of fathers and sons, and when you have said briefly why God chose one son and refused the other, send your answer to H. E. Pope, 22, Richmond Road, Taunton, Somerset. Do not forget to give your name, address and age, and to send your entry not later than October 10th. The usual prize will be given for the best and neatest answer.

H. E. P.


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