‘But there is forgiveness with Thee’

Ps. 130. 4.

Some people grow through failure; others never recover from it. They speak only of the past because they cannot get beyond it. What’s the answer? See your mistakes as stepping-stones rather than stumbling blocks! ‘How do I do that?’ you ask; by doing the following three things:

  1. You must process!
    You have got to process emotions like Regret – ‘If only I had not failed’. Frustration. ‘I thought my idea was great, why didn’t they?’ Self-pity – ‘They hurt me so I will just sit here and lick my wounds’. Paralysis – ‘I will never get beyond this’. When it comes to emotions, the only way out – is through!
  2. You must decide!
    Solomon says, ‘Though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again’, Prov. 24. 16. You must be like the lady who said, ‘I'm never down, I'm either up or I'm getting up!’ So, are you going to get up and try again?
  3. You must remember!
    You are not the first one to blow it. Samson did by getting too close to the wrong woman, Judg. 16. Jonah did by trying to run from God’s call, Jonah 1. 3. Peter did by denying his Lord, Matt. 26. 74. Yet God used all of them and He will use you too if you give Him a chance!

The psalmist writes, ‘But there is forgiveness with thee’. But God’s forgiveness is worthless unless you receive it by faith; then forgive yourself. But what about my past you say? The moment you accept God’s forgiveness you do not have a past, you only have a future. You are free to get on with your life.



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