Brass Tacks

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Brass Tacks is a faith venture set up in the UK to offer practical and technical help to assist missionaries and others involved in the Lord’s work at home and abroad. Since 1986 our volunteers have completed over 12000 working days on 70 different projects in 21 countries.

The projects on which we have worked include:

  • Civil Engineering for a 90 KVA Hydro Electric System
  • Construction and installation of solar hot water systems
  • Design and installation of water and electrical distribution systems for mission stations
  • Construction of hospital buildings
  • Alteration to buildings to provide church facilities
  • Alterations and new construction of buildings to provide Bible School accommodation


We currently have three full time workers: Jim Smith, Dennis Bowman and Paul Hannay. They leave their families in the UK and travel abroad each year for a minimum of 26 weeks. The office is run from Wallasey by our fourth full time worker Colin Breeze. Ann Hughes is the News Sheet Editor and office manager.


‘Serving those who serve’ by providing practical and technical help for Christian projects and general missionary work, using:

  • Short-term work parties of volunteers offering their time for a particular project, usually two to three weeks in duration, for UK and European projects
  • Trade and professional people able to take leave of absence from their employment, or recently retired, who are able to give several months to supervise special projects
  • Technical advisors with design and specialist knowledge.


  • Prayer – People who will become Prayer Partners in the work
  • Workers – People called by God to serve others
  • Finance – For God’s continued provision through His people.


Conversion of a cow shed!

It was a real privilege last year for Brass Tacks to help the friends at Limerick with the renovation of their assembly premises. We also received a request from David and Kay Stevens to convert old outbuildings into a workshop for outreach materials and extra accommodation for summer teams.

The project was much bigger than envisaged. The work was hard but the fellowship with the Lord’s people more than compensated for all the aches and pains suffered!


Ain Zahalta School, Beirut making school furniture

As a result of the civil war, Lebanon is now in the grip of an economic crisis. Ain Zahalta school is suffering with the rest of the country and one of their greatest needs was for cupboards and shelves throughout the school.

After receiving a request from Don and Nicola Alexander, Brass Tacks was able to send out 3 carpenters earlier this year. The plan was to make around 50 units, however the result was half as much again!

The cupboards and shelves have been greatly appreciated by the teachers and are now being well used.

Brass Tacks is planning to send out another team in 2001.


A supermarket converted in Le mans

When the building became too small the believers in Le Mans bought an adjoining supermarket when it came up for sale.

Brass Tacks was able to send some teams to help in renovating this building. The new building is at least 8 times larger than the old premises. The whole interior of the building needed to be stripped out before remodelling could be carried out. One of the biggest jobs was installing plasterboard divisions for various rooms, also lots of floors had to be tiled.

We have many ongoing projects in this country and abroad. If you would like to know more then please contact Colin Breeze or Ann Hughes at the Brass Tacks office. Tel/fax: 0151 630 1182. E-mail: [email protected].


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