Bible Bytes

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Those who are engaged in Sunday School or Children’s work will be aware of the difficulties of retaining the interest of the children in their care. Providing Bible-based activities that will emphasize the word of God, engage the interest, and develop the child’s understanding of basic truth is an increasingly difficult task. It is for this reason that the following web sites might offer some resources to those who desire to provide a diversity of activity while at the same time maintaining a consistency of teaching. school-lessons-book.html html

This web site is included twice (two separate links) as it offers both lessons and worksheets. Those involved in children’s work will appreciate the need for planning. This applies to the overall curriculum, to ensure a planned coverage of scripture, as well as the individual lesson for the time. Looking through the vast range of material (325 lessons from the second link) there is ample: crosswords, word-finds, colouring tasks, as well as ‘fill-in-the-blank’ story reviews. All of these can be downloaded in Adobe pdf format.

If this does not supply what you want then there are five different Bible worksheet puzzle maker items of software that can also be downloaded to enable you to build your own.

What both links also provide is a sequenced curriculum taking you through the major Bible stories from Genesis and Creation through to the River of Life in Revelation. Clearly, coming from an assembly web site the user can have confidence in the orthodoxy of the material overall.

Another assembly-based web site with some resources that might prove useful. While the range is fairly limited the artists involved may be recognised for their drawings if not their names! ages.htm

As the page link suggests, this site provides some simple graphics that could be used to develop memory verse cards or colouring tasks for the younger child. These are always heavily used and such a range of material is always welcome. tableresources.php

Although not all the material on this site will suit readers of this magazine it does contain some worthwhile ideas. The Bible Detective activity is designed to encourage children to search and read the scriptures for themselves. There is also a further range of texts to colour and ideas on rewards that can be made to encourage the children.


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