And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord

Isa. 54. 13.
In the early 1800s, the Swiss educator, Johann Pestalozzi wrote, ‘The best way for a child to learn about God is to know a real Christian. The best way for them to discover the power of prayer is to live with parents who pray and truly walk with God.’ He got this right! Eighty-five percent of all children raised this way develop a strong personal faith – before they’re thirteen years of age.

As a responsible parent I hear you say, ‘Am I responsible for my child’s spiritual choices?’ Ultimately no, but potentially, yes! If you want to take the spiritual temperature of any family, stick a thermometer in the mouth of the parents.

But my children are already grown up. Isn’t it too late you ask? No, by no means, for God’s name is ‘Redeemer’ – He can give you another chance. Repent; commit your life to Christ and live for Him again. That’s how generational cycles of failure are broken and God is brought back into the picture.

Again I hear you say, ‘I’m afraid to bring a child into this evil world’. Yet this is the whole point; it’s children of the light who push back the darkness. Instead of reacting out of fear or convenience, use your family to impact the world’. Every study confirms that a parent has by far the greatest influence – greater than friends, school, or the media, in determining the character and direction of a child.

Parent; invest every shred of your energy into seeing that your children cross the finish line for God. You have no higher calling than that.


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