An Outline of Philippians

Keynote: “Rejoice in the Lord".

Salutation and introduction, 1. 1-11

“Until the day of Jesus Christ”. Greetings, 1.1-2. Gratitude, 1. 3-5. Growth, 1.6-11.

Christ and my actions, 1. 12-30

“For to me to five is Christ”. Preaching, 1. 12-18. Prayer, 1.19. Purpose, 1.20-26. Practice, 1.27-30.

Christ and my attitudes, 2. 1-30

“Let this mind be in you”. The example of:

Christ, 2. 111.

Paul, 2. 1 2-18.

Timothy, 2. 19-24.

Epaphroditus, 2. 25-30

Christ and my ambitions, 3. 1-21

“That ! may win … know … apprehend".

The Greatest Gain, 3. 1-12.

The Finest Goal, 3. 13-16.

The Highest Glory, 3. 17-21.

Christ and my achievements, 4. 1-20

"/ can do alt things through Christ” Entreaty, 4. 1-3. Exhortation, 4. 4-9. Experience, 4. 10-17. Enjoyment, 4. 18-20.

Concluding salutation, 4. 21-23.


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