A Word to Preachers

What God wants in those whom He will put in trust with the gospel, is not that they shall be polished and educated gentlemen, much less that they shall be coarse and ignorant boors; not that they shall be skilled in dogmatic theology, much less that they shall be unlearned in doctrine; not that they shall be brilliant and eloquent, much less that they shall be ungifted and dull. AH He seeks is a fitting instrument upon whom the power of Christ can rest, an empty earthen vessel that He can fill with His priceless treasure. The man, whoever he may be, whether on the highest or the lowest round of the social ladder, who can say with Paul, “ Most gladly will I glory in infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest on me," and say it with unfeigned lips, and from a heart that has been taught it in the school of God, has gained the secret of this competency for the ministry of reconciliation.

Apart from this fitness, the highest and the greatest are but “clouds without water," whilst with it the lowest and the least may become “competent ministers of the new covenant.”

Not only has the gospel a depth and dignity and glory all its own because it is in a special sense a revelation of God, it has also a distinctive greatness and solemnity by virtue of its peculiar mission, and of the issues involved in the proclamation of it. It is divinely called “the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.” Let the preacher remember this; and while he humbly conse-crates to God every talent he possesses, let him never attempt by unworthy means to add attractiveness to such a message.


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