1 Peter

  • INTRODUCTION, 1. 1-2.

  • Address and Salutation.

  • 1. THE CHRISTIAN PILGRIM’S EXPECTATION, 1. 3 to 2. 10. Salvation in view.

  • i. Promised Destiny, 1. 3-5. The Living Hope.

  • ii. Present Joy, 1. 6-9.

  • iii. Prophetic Testimony, 1. 10-12.

  • iv. Practical Response, 1. 13-25. The Living Word, 23.

  • a. Godwards – on the ground of Redemption, 13-21.

  • b. Saintwards – on the ground of Regeneration, 22-25.

  • v. Purposed Development, 2. 1-10.

  • a. A Spiritual Growth, 1-3.

  • b. A Spiritual House, 4-10. The Living Stone, 4.

  • 2. THE CHRISTIAN PILGRIM’S EXAMPLE, 2. 11 to 3. 12. Subjection in view. Commencing Appeal, 2. 11-12.

  • i. Subjection as Citizens, 2. 13-17.

  • ii. Subjection as Servants, 2. 18-25.

  • iii. Subjection as Wives, 3. 1-7.

  • iv. Concluding Admonition, 3. 8-12.

  • 3. THE CHRISTIAN PILGRIM’S EXPERIENCE, 3. 13 to 5. 11. Suffering in view.

  • i. Suffering for Righteousness in the World, 3. 13 to 4. 6.

  • ii. Serving by Love in the Assembly, 4. 7-11. General.

  • iii. Suffering for Righteousness in the World, 4. 12-19.

  • iv. Serving with Willingness in the Assembly, 5. 1-7. Particular.

  • v. Suffering for Righteousness in the World, 5. 8-11.

  • CONCLUSION, 5. 12-14.

  • i. Explanation, 12.

  • ii. Salutation, 13-14a.

  • iii. Benediction, 14b.

  • The leading thread throughout the Epistle is suffering. Every aspect of the Pilgrim Life is related to the Sufferings of Christ, concerning which there are seven references, 1. 11; 2. 21, 23; 3. 18; 4. 1, 13; 5. 1. The suffering of the Christian is referred to ten times. Note the emphasis in 1. 11 on ‘the sufferings of Christ, and the glories that should follow them’, R.V. Glory is spoken of eleven times.


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